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Startup sequence

Operations summary

When you first turn on power, the Z80 microprocessor has control before the 8502 is allowed to take over.

If the Z80 reset routine does not find a Commodore 64 cartridge or the Commodore key held down:

  1. Sets initial values for MMU registers ($D500-$D50A)
  2. Copies two surrending routine (for Z80-8502 switchover, one, at 65488-65503/$FFD0-$FFDF, is an 8502 machine language routine to surrender control to the Z80; the other, at 65504-65519/$FFE0-$FFEF, is a Z80 machine language routine to surrender control to the 8502)
  3. Prepare starting address and starting code for 8502
  4. Surrends control to 8502 by jumping to a routine copied into 65504/$FFE0 in block 0 RAM

That routine ends by setting bit 0 of $D505 to %1 to return control to the 8502 for 128 mode.

When the 8502 finally starts, the Kernal initialization routine START always receives control and immediately performs the following actions:

  1. Brings the system map into context
  2. Disables IRQ’s
  3. Resets the processor stack pointer
  4. Clears decimal mode
  5. Initializes the MMU
  6. INSTALLS the Kernal RAM code
  7. SECURE: Check and initialize the SYSTEM vector
  8. POLL: Check for a ROM cartridge


POLL first scans for any installed C64 cartridges. They are recognized by either the GAME or EXROM signal being pulled low. If so, GO64 is executed (see the Kernal jump entry for details). Polling for C64 cartridges is actually redundant at this point since the Z80 processor, which powers up initially, did this already. POLL then scans for installed C128 cartridges and function ROM’s. They are recognized by the existence of the C= key in any of the four function ROM slots (two internal, two external) and are polled in the order external low (16 or 32KB), external high (16KB), internal low (16 or 32KB), internal high (16KB). The entire format is:

$x000 -> cold start entry
$x003 -> warm start entry (unused)
$x006 -> ID, ($01-$FF)
$x007 -> "CBM" key string
where x = $8--- or $C---.

The ID of any C128 cartridge found is entered into the Physical Address Table (PAT) located at $0AC1-$0AC4. ID’s must be non-zero. Cartridges may recognize each other by examining the PAT for particular ID’s. An ID of 1 indicates an auto-start cartridge, and its cold start entry will be called immediately. All others will be called later (see PHOENIX jump), as will any auto-starters that RTS is to POLL. A cartridge can determine where it is installed by examining CURBNK, located at $0AC0. Because it is possible for a cartridge to be called with interrupts enabled, the following diversion from the above format is recommended (the warm start entry is never called by the system):

$x000 SEI
$x004 NOP
$x005 NOP

The balance of the C128 initialization is:

  1. IOINIT: Initialize I/O devices.
  2. Check for STOP and C= keys.
  3. RAMTAS: Initialize system RAM.
  4. RESTOR: Initialize system indirects.
  5. CINT: Initialize video displays.
  6. Enable IRQ’s (except foreign systems).
  7. Dispatch.


IOINIT is perhaps the major function of the Reset handler. It initializes both CIA’s (timers, keyboard, serial port, user port, cassette) and the 8502 port (keyboard, cassette, VIC bank). It distinguishes a PAL system from an NTSC one and sets PALCNT ($0A03) if PAL. The VIC, SID and 8563 devices are initialized, including the downloading of character definitions to 8563 display RAM (if necessary). The system 60Hz IRQ source (the VIC raster) is started. IOINIT is callable by the user via the jump table.

During initialization, the user may press certain keys as a means of selecting an operating mode. One key checked is the Commodore key C=, indicating C64 mode is desired. While this key was scanned much earlier by the Z80 to speed the switchover to C64 mode, there is a redundant check for it here. The only other key scanned at this time is the STOP key, which signals a request by the user to power up into the Monitor utility. Note that control does not pass from the initialization process at this point; the Kernal needs to know if RAMTAS should be skipped. Only if the STOP key is depressed and this was a “warm” reset (vs. “cold” power-up) can RAMTAS be skipped.


RAMTAS clears all page-zero RAM, allocates the cassette and RS-232 buffers, sets pointers to the top and bottom of system RAM (RAM-0), and installs the SYSTEM_VECTOR that points to BASIC cold start ($4000). Lastly it sets a flag, DEJAVU ($A02), to indicate to other routines that system RAM has been initialized. This is the difference between a “cold” and a “warm” system. If DEJAVU contains $A5, the system is “warm” and SYSTEM_VECTOR is valid. Many programmers debugging code need to recover from a system hang or crash via RESET but do not want RAM cleared. This is why the STOP key is scanned, RAMTAS is skipped, and the Monitor (rather than BASIC) is selected. RAMTAS is callable by the user via the jump table.


RESTOR initializes the Kernal indirect vectors. This must be done before many system routines will function. Applications that complement the operating system via “wedges” must install them after they are initialized. RESTOR is user callable from the jump table (see also the VECTOR call).


CINT is the editor’s initialization routine. Both 40- and 80-column display modes are prepared, editor indirect vectors installed, programmable key definitions assigned, and the 40/80 key scnaned for default display determination. CINT is also a jump table entry.

Finally, the IRQ’s are enabled and control is passed to either BASIC initialization, GO64 code, or the ML Monitor. BASIC will call the Kernal PHOENIX routine upon the conclusion of its initialization, which will call any installed C128 cartridges (any ID) and attempt to auto-boot an application from disk.

Kernal debugging

Z80 is in control now and starts by putting $0000 in program counter.

0000: 3e 3e       LD      a,3Eh
0002: 32 00 ff    LD      (0FF00h),a    // Set MMU to 3E
0005: c3 3b 00    JP      003Bh

003B: 01 2f d0    LD      bc,0D02Fh
003E: 11 fc ff    LD      de,0FFFCh     // Load Reset vector to de
0041: ed 51       OUT     (c),d
0043: 03          INC     bc
0044: ed 59       OUT     (c),e         // Value of reset vector is written to port c
0046: 01 05 d5    LD      bc,0D505h
0049: 3e b0       LD      a,0B0h
004B: ed 79       OUT     (c),a         // Set MMUMCR to $B0
004D: ed 78       IN      a,(c)
004F: 2f          CPL
0050: e6 30       AND     30h
0052: 28 05       JR      z,0059h

0054: 3e f1       LD      a,0F1h
0056: ed 79       OUT     (c),a
0058: c7          RST     00h
0059: 01 0f dc    LD      bc,0DC0Fh
005C: 3e 08       LD      a,08h
005E: ed 79       OUT     (c),a
0060: 0d          DEC     c             // Set D1CRA and D1CRB timer to
0061: ed 79       OUT     (c),a         // one-shot mode
0063: 0e 03       LD      c,03h         // Set bc to DC03
0065: af          XOR     a
0066: ed 79       OUT     (c),a
0068: 0d          DEC     c             // Set bc to DC02
0069: 3d          DEC     a
006A: ed 79       OUT     (c),a
006C: 0d          DEC     c             // Set bc to DC01
006D: 0d          DEC     c             // Set bc to DC00
006E: 3e 7f       LD      a,7Fh
0070: ed 79       OUT     (c),a
0072: 03          INC     bc
0073: ed 78       IN      a,(c)
0075: e6 20       AND     20h
0077: 01 05 d5    LD      bc,0D505h     // Check for Commodore key pressed
007A: 28 d8       JR      z,0054h

007C: 21 b4 0f    LD      hl,0FB4h      // Copies from $0FB4 (-11)
007F: 01 0a d5    LD      bc,0D50Ah     // to $D50A (-11)
0082: 16 0b       LD      d,0Bh         // $0B (11) bytes
0084: 7e          LD      a,(hl)        // It's a decrement copy
0085: ed 79       OUT     (c),a         // for Mmu init
0087: 2b          DEC     hl
0088: 0d          DEC     c
0089: 15          DEC     d
008A: 20 f8       JR      nz,0084h

008C: 21 1a 0d    LD      hl,0D1Ah      // Copies from $0D1A
008F: 11 00 11    LD      de,1100h      // to $1100
0092: 01 08 00    LD      bc,0008h      // $08 bytes
0095: ed b0       LDIR
0097: 21 e5 0e    LD      hl,0EE5h      // Copies from $0EE5
009A: 11 d0 ff    LD      de,0FFD0h     // to $FFD0
009D: 01 1f 00    LD      bc,001Fh      // $1F (31) bytes
00A0: ed b0       LDIR                  // These are the copy of z80 and 8502
                                        // surrender routine from kernal to memory

00A2: 21 00 11    LD      hl,1100h
00A5: 22 fa ff    LD      (0FFFAh),hl
00A8: 22 fc ff    LD      (0FFFCh),hl
00AB: 22 fe ff    LD      (0FFFEh),hl
00AE: 22 dd ff    LD      (0FFDDh),hl
00B1: c3 e0 ff    JP      0FFE0h        // Jump to z80 surrender to 8502 cpu

// Data values used in routine at 008C
0D1A: a9 00       LDA #$00
0D1C: 8d 00 ff    STA $FF00
0D1F: 6c fc ff    JMP ($FFFC)

// Data values used in routine at 0097 (8502 and z80 surrender routines)
0EE5: 78          SEI
0EE6: a9 b0       LDA #$B0
0EE8: 8d 05 d5    STA $D505
0EEB: ea          NOP
0EEC: 4c 00 30    JMP $3000
0EEF: ea          NOP
0EF0: f3          DI
0EF1: 3e 3e       LD  a,3Eh
0EF3: 32 00 ff    LD  (0FF00h),a
0EF6: 01 05 d5    LD  bc,0D505h
0EF9: 3e b1       LD  a,0B1h
0EFB: ed 79       OUT (c),a
0EFD: 00          NOP
0EFE: cf          RST 08h

// Data values used in routine at 007c (MMU init values)
0FAA: 3f // $D500
0FAB: 3f // $D501
0FAC: 7f // $D502
0FAD: 3e // $D503
0FAE: 7e // $D504
0FAF: b0 // $D505
0FB0: 0b // $D506
0FB1: 00 // $D507
0FB2: 00 // $D508
0FB3: 01 // $D509
0FB4: 00 // $D50A

From this point, 8502 is in control. 8502 is starting for the first time so program counter is set to

.PC = $FFFD * 256 + $FFFC

Z80 sets location $FFFC to $1100 in ram which is visible during z80 surrender. When 8502 starts by checking $FFFC, will start from $1100, set bank 15 (activating Kernal rom) and then proceed to RESET routine.

1100: A9 F7     LDA #$00
1102: 8D 05 D5  STA $FF00   // Sets bank 15 so Kernal is visible
1105: 6C FC FF  JMP ($FFFC) // FFFC contains FF3D

FF3D: A9 00     LDA #$00
FF3F: 8D 00 FF  STA $FF00   // Set bank 15
FF42: 4C 00 E0  JMP $E000   // Jump to RESET

E000: A2 FF     LDX #$FF
E002: 78        SEI         // Disable interrupt
E003: 9A        TXS         // Set stack pointer to $ff (stack cleared)
E004: D8        CLD         // Disable decimal mode
E005: A9 00     LDA #$00
E007: 8D 00 FF  STA $FF00   // Set bank 15
E00A: A2 0A     LDX #$0A
E00C: BD 4B E0  LDA $E04B,X
E00F: 9D 00 D5  STA $D500,X // Reset MMU status
E012: CA        DEX
E013: 10 F7     BPL $E00C
E015: 8D 04 0A  STA $0A04   // Set INIT_STATUS flag to 0
E018: 20 CD E0  JSR $E0CD   // Move Code For High RAM Banks
E01B: 20 F0 E1  JSR $E1F0   // Check Special Reset
E01E: 20 42 E2  JSR $E242   // Detect C64 cartridge inserted, if so switch to C64
E021: 20 09 E1  JSR $E109   // IOINIT
E024: 20 3D F6  JSR $F63D   // Watch For RUN or Shift
E027: 48        PHA         // Push .A for further use
E028: 30 07     BMI $E031   // RUN/STOP not pressed, jump to RAMTAS
E02A: A9 A5     LDA #$A5
E02C: CD 02 0A  CMP $0A02   // Check if RAMTAS should be omitted
E02F: F0 03     BEQ $E034

E031: 20 93 E0  JSR $E093   // RAMTAS
E034: 20 56 E0  JSR $E056   // RESTOR
E037: 20 00 C0  JSR $C000   // CINT
E03A: 68        PLA
E03B: 58        CLI         // Enable interrupt
E03C: 30 03     BMI $E041   // If RUN/STOP is pressed, skip to non
E03E: 4C 00 B0  JMP $B000   // JMONINIT

E041: C9 DF     CMP #$DF    // Check if Commodore key is pressed
E043: F0 03     BEQ $E048
E045: 6C 00 0A  JMP ($0A00) // Jump to SYSTEM_VECTOR for a Basic Restart

E048: 4C 4B E2  JMP $E24B   // Switch to C64 mode

4000: 4C 23 40  JMP $4023

4023: 20 7A 41  JSR $417A   // Set Preconfig Registers
4026: 20 51 42  JSR $4251   // Set Basic Links
4029: 20 45 40  JSR $4045   // Set-Up Basic Constants
402C: 20 9B 41  JSR $419B   // Print Startup Message
402F: AD 04 0A  LDA $0A04
4032: 09 01     ORA #$01
4034: 8D 04 0A  STA $0A04   // Set bit 0 of INIT_STATUS flag to 1
4037: A2 03     LDX #$03
4039: 8E 00 0A  STX $0A00   // Restart System (BASIC Warm) [4000]
403C: A2 FB     LDX #$FB
403E: 9A        TXS
403F: 20 56 FF  JSR $FF56   // PHOENIX
4042: 4C 1C 40  JMP $401C

401C: 58        CLI
401D: 4C 37 4D	JMP $4D37   // Error or Ready

4D37: A2 80     LDX #$80
4D39: 2C        .BYTE $2C   // Means BIT $10A2
4D3A: A2 10     LDX #$10
4D3C: 6C 00 03  JMP ($0300) // 0300 contains $4D3F

4D3F: 8D 03 FF  STA $FF03
4D42: 8A        TXA         // .X contains $80
4D43: 30 72     BMI $4DB7

4DB7: 20 2A 4D  JSR $4D2A   // Print 'ready'
4DBA: A9 80     LDA #$80
4DBC: 20 90 FF	JSR $FF90   // Enables Control messages, disables Error messages
4DBF: A9 00     LDA #$00
4DC1: 85 7F     STA $7F     // Set BASIC Immediate mode

4DC3: 6C 02 03	JMP ($0302) // BASIC Warm Start Link (0302 contains $4DC6)