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0 $00 D8502

Data direction register for processor’s on-chip I/O port

Bits 0-6 in this location control the direction of data flow for the seven I/O (input/output) lines on the 8502 microprocessor chip, labeled P0-P6. Setting a bit to %0 makes the corresponding line an input, and its state can be read at the corresponding bit position in location $01. Setting a bit to %1 makes the corresponding line an output, and its state will be controlled by the setting of the corresponding bit position in location $01. The value here is initialized to 47/$2F by the IOINIT routine $E109, part of both the reset and RUN/STOP-RESTORE sequences. This sets lines 0-3 and 5 for output and lines 4 and 6 for input. Since only seven lines are provided, bit 7 is not used. That bit will retain whatever value is written to it, but its setting has no effect.

1 $01 R8502

Data register for processor’s on-chip I/O port

Each of the seven I/O lines on the 8502 microprocessor has a corresponding bit in this location (bit 7 is unused). The direction of data flow on the lines is controlled by location $00. If an I/O port line is set for input, the corresponding bit here will reflect the state of the input line: %0 if the line is low (0 volts), or %1 if the line is high (+5 volts). While a line is set for input, values written to the corresponding bit have no effect. If an I/O port line is set for output, its state will be controlled by the corresponding bit in this location. Storing a %0 in the bit forces the output line to a low (0 volts) state, while storing a %1 in the bit sets the line to a high (+5v state). The I/O lines are connected as follows.

Bits 0-1: the lines connected to these bits control which of the two 1K blocks of color memory will be visible at 55296-56319/$D800-$DBFF when the I/O block is selected. For this purpose, the lines should always be configured as outputs. Unlike in the Commodore 64, these bits have no effect on whether RAM or ROM is selected at a given address. In the 128, memory management is the domain of the MMU chip. Bit 0 controls which block the processor sees, while bit 1 controls which block the VIC chip sees. Setting either bit to %0 selects block 0, while a setting of %1 selects block 1. The setting of these bits is established during the screen-setup portion of the screen IRQ routine $C194, That routine sets both bits to %1 for text mode (GRAPHIC 0), or for the text portion of the split-screen modes (GRAPHIC 2 or GRAPHIC 4). For the bitmapped modes (GRAPHIC 1 or GRAPHIC 3) or for the bitmapped portion of the split-screen modes, bit 1 is set to %0. Thus, the VIC sees different blocks of memory for the modes, and drawing on the bitmapped screen will not disturb colors on the text screen. To manipulate these bits in other ways, the screen-setup portion of the IRQ routine must be disabled.

Bit 2: the line for this bit, known as the CHAREN line, determines whether the VIC chip will see character ROM in its current video bank. For proper functioning, the line should be configured as an output. While this bit is %0, the VIC chip will see character ROM beginning at an offset of 4096/$1000 from the start of the bank. The uppercase/graphics set will appear to occupy locations with offsets of 4096-6143/$1000-$17FF, and the lowercase/uppercase set will appear at offsets of 6144-8191/$1800-$1FFF. The character sets will be visible in all VIC video banks, not just banks 0 and 2 as was the case in the Commodore 64. Only the VIC chip will see the character ROM at these addresses; the processor will still see the locations as RAM or system ROM, depending on the address and bank configuration. To disable this feature and allow the VIC chip to see RAM at the character set image addresses, the CHAREN bit must be set to %1. However, this cannot normally be done directly because this bit has a shadow at location 217/$D9. During the text mode-setup portion of the screen editor IRQ routine $C194, the value of bit 2 of the shadow location is copied into this bit. Thus, to change this bit you should set bit 2 of the shadow location instead. If the screen-setup portion of the IRQ routine is disabled (by storing the value 255/$FF in location 216/$D8, for example), the setting of this bit can then be changed directly. The IRQ routine always sets this bit to %1 for bitmapped screen modes or for the bitmapped portion of split-screen modes.

Bit 3: the line for this bit is connected to the CASS WRT (cassette write) line of the cassette port. The setting of this bit determines whether a signal is being written to the tape. For this purpose, the line must be configured as an output.

Bit 4: the line for this bit is connected to the CASS SENSE (cassette button sense) line of the cassette port. If the port line is configured as an input, this bit can be read to determine whether any buttons are currently pressed on the Datassette. When no buttons are pressed (or when no Datassette is connected to the port), this bit will be %1. Pressing any button will change this bit to %0. Unfortunately, the bit merely detects whether buttons are pressed, and cannot indicate which specific buttons. If you press FAST FORWARD when instructed to press PLAY, the 128 won’t notice the difference.

Bit 5: the line for this bit controls the CASS MTR (cassette motor) line of the cassette port. When this bit is %1 , the power supply to the cassette motor, provided via the CASS MTR line, is turned off. Setting this bit to %0 turns on the 9- volt power supply to the motor. The setting of this bit is controlled by a shadow location, the cassette motor interlock at 192/$C0.

Bit 6: the line for this bit is connected to the CAPS LOCK key on the keyboard. The line should be configured as an input to read the state of this key. The bit will return a %1 while the key is in the up position (CAPS LOCK off), and a %0 when the key is down (CAPS LOCK on). The status of this bit is read by the SCNKEY routine $C55D during each system IRQ, and bit 4 of location 211/$D3 will be assigned the opposite setting of this bit.

Bit 7: there is no I/O port line connected to this bit, so the value here is meaningless. The bit always returns a %0 when read.

2 $02 BANK

Data register for processor’s on-chip I/O port

The value here determines the bank to which the JMPFAR routine $02E3 will jump. Because the JSRFAR routine $02CD calls JMPFAR as a subroutine, the value here also determines the destination bank for a JSRFAR. This location should be loaded with the number (0-15) of the desired bank before either JMPFAR or JSRFAR is used. The BASIC SYS statement is implemented using JSRFAR. In that case, the value here is set from the value in location 981/$03D5, which holds the parameter from the most recent BANK statement (15/$0F by default). The BASIC routine that searches for a token in the runtime stack $4FAA also uses location 2/$02 for temporary storage.

When the monitor is entered at the break entry point $B003, this location is loaded with the bank number in which the system was operating when the BRK opcode was encountered. When the monitor is entered at the cold-start entry point $B000, as by the BASIC MONITOR command, this location is initialized to 15/$0F (for bank 15). The monitor R command displays the value in this location as the first hexadecimal digit of the PC value. The register change (;) command can be used to alter the value stored here. The value determines the bank for the monitor G (go to routine) and J (jump to subroutine) commands, which use JMPFAR and JSRFAR, respectively.

3-4 $03-$04 PC

Target address for JMPFAR and JSRFAR

The values here determine the address to which the JMPFAR routine $02E3 will jump. Because the JSRFAR routine $02CD calls JMPFAR as a subroutine, the value here also determines the destination address for a JSRFAR. These locations should be loaded with the desired address before either JMPFAR or JSRFAR is used. Contrary to the normal order of address bytes, the high byte of the target address should be stored in location 3/$03 and the low byte in location 4/$04. When the monitor is entered at the break entry point $B003, these locations are loaded with the program counter contents stored on the stack when the BRK opcode was encountered.

Because of the way the microprocessor handles BRK, this value will be two bytes beyond the address of the BRK ($00) opcode. When the monitor is entered at the coldstart entry point $B000, as by the BASIC MONITOR command, these locations are initialized to 45056/$B000 (the coldstart entry address). The monitor R command displays the value in these locations as the four rightmost hexadecimal digits of the PC value. The register change (;) command can be used to alter the value stored here. The value determines the target address for the monitor G (go to routine) and J (jump to subroutine) commands, which use JMPFAR and JSRFAR, respectively.

5 $05 S-REG

Status register storage for JMPFAR and JSRFAR

The value in this location is transferred to the processor’s status register when a routine is called with JMPFAR $02E3. Because JSRFAR $02CD also uses JMPFAR, the value here will also determine the initial status register value for a routine called with JSRFAR. You can use this location to set up particular entry conditions for the target routine. For example, certain system routines behave differently depending on whether the carry bit, bit 0 of the status register, is clear (%0) or set (%1) when the routine is called. You can specify the entry setting of the carry bit by setting bit 0 of this location. Next figure shows the function of the various status register bits. If you don’t need any special entry conditions, it’s best to set this location to 0/$00.

The contents of the status register upon return from the target routine are stored in this location before return from JSRFAR, so you can read this location to determine the exit status of the routine. This is useful because system routines often use status register bits, particularly carry, to return information about the success of the operation performed by the routine.

Processor Status Register

The BASIC 7.0 version of the SYS statement allows you to specify a status register value, which will be placed in this location before the JSRFAR to the specified address. The RREG statement can be used to read the value here. The status register value returned by RREG is actually the contents of this location.

When the monitor is entered at the break entry point $B003, this location is loaded with the status register contents stored on the stack when the BRK opcode was encountered. When the monitor is entered at the cold-start entry point $B000, as by the BASIC MONITOR command, this location is initialized to zero. The monitor R command displays the value in this location under the heading SR. The register change (;) command can be used to alter the value stored here. The value determines the status register contents for the monitor G (go to routine) and J (jump to subroutine) commands, which use JMPFAR and JSRFAR, respectively.

6 $06 A_REG

Accumulator storage for JMPFAR and JSRFAR

The value in this location is transferred to the processor’s accumulator (A register) when a routine is called with JMPFAR $02E3. Because JSRFAR $02CD also uses JMPFAR, the value here will also determine the initial accumulator value for a routine called with JSRFAR. You can use this location to set up a particular entry value for the target routine. The contents of the accumulator upon return from the target routine are stored in this location before return from JSRFAR, so you can read this location to determine the exit accumulator value. The JSRFAR routine itself uses the accumulator after return from the target routine, so you must look to this location for the accumulator value from the target routine. The BASIC 7.0 version of the SYS statement allows you to specify an accumulator value, which will be placed in this location before the JSRFAR to the specified address. The RREG statement can be used to read the value here. The accumulator value returned by RREG is actually the contents of this location.

When the monitor is entered at the break entry point $B003, this location is loaded with the accumulator contents stored on the stack by the IRQ/BRK handler $FF17. When the monitor is entered at the cold-start entry point $B000, as by the BASIC MONITOR command, this location is initialized to zero. The monitor R command displays the value in this location under the heading AC. The register change (;) command can be used to alter the value stored here. The value determines the accumulator contents for the monitor G (go to routine) and J (jump to subroutine) commands, which use JMPFAR and JSRFAR, respectively.

7 $07 X_REG

X register storage for JMPFAR and JSRFAR

The value in this location is transferred to the processor’s X register when a routine is called with JMPFAR $02E3. Because JSRFAR $02CD also uses JMPFAR, the value here will also determine the initial X register value for a routine called with JSRFAR, You can use this location to set up a particular entry value for the target routine. The contents of the X register upon return from the target routine are stored in this location before return from JSRFAR, so you can read this location to determine the exit X register value. The JSRFAR routine itself uses the X register after return from the target routine, so you must look to this location for the X register value from the target routine.

The BASIC 7.0 version of the SYS statement allows you to specify an X register value, which will be placed in this location before the JSRFAR to the specified address. The RREG statement can be used to read the value here. The X register value returned by RREG is actually the contents of this location.

When the monitor is entered at the break entry point $B003, this location is loaded with the X register contents stored on the stack by the IRQ/BRK handler $FF17. When the monitor is entered at the cold-start entry point $B000, as by the BASIC MONITOR command, this location is initialized to zero. The monitor R command displays the value in this location under the heading XR. The register change (;) command can be used to alter the value stored here. The value determines the X register contents for the monitor G (go to routine) and J (jump to subroutine) commands, which use JMPFAR and JSRFAR, respectively.

8 $08 Y_REG

Y register storage for JMPFAR and JSRFAR

The value in this location is transferred to the processor’s Y register when a routine is called with JMPFAR $02E3. Because JSRFAR $02CD also uses JMPFAR, the value here will also determine the initial Y register value for a routine called with JSRFAR. You can use this location to set up a particular entry value for the target routine. The contents of the Y register upon return from the target routine are stored in this location before return from JSRFAR, so you can read this location to determine the exit Y register value.

The BASIC 7.0 version of the SYS statement allows you to specify a Y register value, which will be placed in this location before the JSRFAR to the specified address. The RREG statement can be used to read the value here. The Y register value returned by RREG is actually the contents of this location.

When the monitor is entered at the break entry point $B003, this location is loaded with the Y register contents stored on the stack by the IRQ/BRK handler $FF17. When the monitor is entered at the cold-start entry point $B000, as by the BASIC MONITOR command, this location is initialized to zero. The monitor R command displays the value in this location under the heading YR. The register change (;) command can be used to alter the value stored here. The value determines the Y register contents for the monitor G (go to routine) and J (jump to subroutine) commands, which use JMPFAR and JSRFAR, respectively.

9 $09 STKPTR

Stack pointer storage for JSRFAR and monitor

This location is used in the JSRFAR routine $02CD to record the value in the stack pointer upon return from the target routine. The value here doesn’t affect the setting of the stack pointer; it merely records the exit value.

When the monitor is entered via either the cold-start entry point $B000 or the break entry point $B003, the current stack pointer value is stored in this location. The monitor R command displays the value in this location under the heading SP. The register change (;) command can be used to alter the value stored here. The value here is restored to the microprocessor’s stack pointer before the JMPFAR in the G (go to routine) command routine. This location will hold the stack pointer value after a J (jump to subroutine) command, since that routine uses JSRFAR.


Working storage for various routines

This location is used for several different purposes by a variety of BASIC routines. It serves as temporary storage in the routine which interprets ASCII characters as numeric values $50A0. It holds the value of the desired search character in the routine which searches for a particular character in a BASIC program line $52A2, and in the routine that puts a string into the string pool $869A. It holds the low byte of the integer value generated in the BASIC INT routine $8CFB. It is also used for temporary storage of intermediate values while performing BASIC AND or OR operations $4C86.


Working storage for various routines

This location is used for several different purposes by a variety of BASIC routines. It serves as a counter of the number of digits in the ASCII representation of a number during the routine which interprets the characters as a numeric value $50A0. It holds the value of the character which terminates the search in the routine which looks for a particular character in a BASIC program line $52A2, and in the one that puts a string into the string pool $869A. It is also used for temporary storage of intermediate values while performing BASIC AND or OR operations $4C86.


Current screen column for TAB and SPC calculations

The value in this location is used during the portion of the BASIC PRINT routine $5554 that handles the TAB and SPC functions. In the computation of the target column for the TAB or SPC, this location will hold the current cursor column value.

12 $0C VERCK


The same routine is used to perform both the load and verify operations, so this flag indicates which is being performed, A zero value here indicates a load operation, and a nonzero value indicates verify. The value here is set during the LOAD/VERIFY $9129 and DLOAD/DVERIFY $A1A4 routines. Both operations use the Kernal LOAD routine $F265, which has its own load/verify flag at location 147/$93.

13 $0D COUNT

Working storage for various routines

This location is used for different purposes by several BASIC routines. It holds the most recently found token during program tokenization $430A. In the routine that adds or deletes BASIC program lines $4DE2, this location holds the length of the current line. It is also used as a counter in the RREG routine $50BD, and as a counter in the subroutines that find or create array-variable elements.


Array dimension flag

This location is used during the routines that create array variables to indicate whether the routines are being called to as the result of a DIM statement. For a DIM statement, this location will contain a nonzero value; otherwise it will be set to 0/$00. This flag is used in testing for the REDIM’D ARRAY ERROR condition.


Variable type flag

This location is used to indicate the type of variable currently being evaluated. A value of 0/$00 indicates that the variable is numeric. A nonzero value indicates that the variable is string type. During the routine that finds or creates a variable $7AAF, this location is set to 0/$00 if the variable is numeric type, or to 255/$FF if it is string type.

16 $10 INTFLG

Numeric variable type flag

If the variable currently being evaluated is numeric (see the entry for location 15/$0F above), bit 7 of this location will be used to indicate the numeric type. If that bit is %0, the variable is standard (floating point) type. If the bit is %1, the variable is integer type. During the routine that finds or creates a variable $7AAF, this location will be set to 0/$00 for floating point variables or 128/$80 for integer variables.

17 $11 GARBFL

Working storage for various routines

This location is used for different purposes in several BASIC routines. During string evaluation, it is used as a garbage collection flag. A zero value indicates that no garbage collection has been performed, while a nonzero value (1/$01) indicates that garbage collection has taken place. The location is also used as a quote mode flag during LIST; a value of 0/$00 indicates that quote mode is off, while a nonzero value (1/$01) indicates that quote mode is in effect. In addition, this location is used as temporary storage for the high byte of the disk status variable during the evaluation of the reserved variable DS.

18 $12 SUBFLG

Integer/subscript prohibit flag

This location is used during the routine to find or create a variable $7AAF to specify whether integer or subscripted (array) variables are allowed. While the value here is zero, the variable being evaluated can be of any type. The FOR and DEF routines store the value 128/$80 here. For FOR, this prevents the use of integer or array variables as loop indexes. For DEF, this restricts the function definition to floating point variables and also prevents the parentheses in the function definition from being interpreted as indicating an array variable. This location is reset to zero after each variable is evaluated, and also during CLR $51F8.

19 $13 INPFLG

Input source flag

BASIC uses a common input handling routine $56B2 for READ, GET (including GETKEY and GET#), and INPUT (including INPUT#). This location is used to indicate which operation is being performed. The value here will be 152/$98 for a READ operation, 64/$40 for a GET, or 0/$00 for an INPUT.

20 $14 TANSGN

Comparison type flag - Tangent sign flag

The value in this location is used during the string and number comparison routine $4CB6 to specify the type of comparison being performed, A value here of 1 indicates greater than (>), 2 indicates equal ( -), and 4 indicates less than (<). The values are cumulative, so a test for greater than or equal (> -) would result in a value here of 3 (1 + 2). This location is also used during the TAN function routine $9459 to indicate the sign of the resulting value.

21 $15 CHANNL

Logical file number for BASIC input and output

The value in this location specifies the logical file from which BASIC will receive input and to which BASIC will direct output. The default value is 0/$00, which indicates input from the keyboard and output to the screen. Logical file 0 is reserved for the system’s use; you cannot open logical file 0. Statements which get input or send output to other devices, such as GET#, INPUT#, and PRINT*, will temporarily change the value here to the channel number specified in the statement.

The CMD statement can also be used to change the value here and direct all output to a specified logical file. However, you can’t depend on CMD (or POKEing a value here) to keep all output flowing to the specified logical file. A number of other BASIC statements reset the value here to 0/$00 each time they are executed, restoring default input and output devices. These statements include GET (and GET# and GETKEY), INPUT#, and PRINT*.

22-23 $16-$17 LINNUM

Integer value of ASCII digit string

These are very busy locations, since the routine which reads ASCII characters from program text and converts the result to a two-byte line number value $50A0 stores its results here. Other routines which manipulate program lines, such as the one which adds or deletes program lines, will use these locations to hold the line number. Any statement which reads a line number, including GOTO, GOSUB, LIST, and so on, will expect to find the target line number in these locations. The TRAP destination line number is held here during the ERROR routine $4D3C, and the COLLISION target line number is held here during the GONE routine $4A9F.

Machine language programmers can store line number values in these locations, then jump into a BASIC routine at a point beyond the line number evaluation step. For example, a machine language program can enter a BASIC program at any line number by jumping into the GOTO routine with the target line number in these locations. The following section of code performs the equivalent of GOTO 100:

LDA #$64  // Place line number in $16-$17.
STA $16
LDA #$00
STA $17
LDA #$0F  // Bank number for BASIC ROM (15).
STA $02
LDA #$59  // Enter GOTO routine at $59FB.
STA $03
STA $04
JMP $02E3 // Use JMPFAR to call routine

24 $18 TEMPPT

Pointer into temporary string descriptor stack

The value in this location points to the next available slot in the temporary string descriptor stack at 27-35/$1B-$23. This location can have the following values:

Value Meaning
27/$1B no entries (stack empty)
30/$1E one entry
33/$21 two entries
36/$24 three entries (stack full)

25-26 $19-$1A LASTPT

Pointer to most recent descriptor stack entry

These locations hold the address of the most recent entry in the temporary string descriptor stack at 27-35/$1B-$23. Location 25/$19 will hold the equivalent of the value in 24/$18 less three, and location 26/$1A will hold zero (it is assigned this value during the BASIC cold-start sequence). For example, when there are two entries on the stack, 24/$18 will hold $21, while these two locations will hold $1E and $00, corresponding to address $001E, the address of the second entry in the stack.

27-35 $1B-$23 TEMPST

Temporary string descriptor stack

The three 3-byte entries here hold descriptors (length plus a 2- byte pointer to the starting address of the string in the string pool) for strings being evaluated or assembled. For strings being assigned to variables, the descriptor value generated here will be transferred to the variable table entry for that string.

36-37 $24-$25 INDEX

Multipurpose address pointer

These locations are used as an address pointer by several BASIC routines, including the one at 927/$039F, which retrieves characters from bank 0 (BASIC program text), and the one at 951/$03B7, which retrieves characters from bank 1 (BASIC string storage). Numerous BASIC routines call those character retrieval routines, including the one which inserts or deletes program lines $4DE2 and the one which updates variable tags while making space for a new variable. The pointer is also used in the LIST routine to read characters from the keyword table, and in the floating-point routines to copy floating values to and from the variable storage area in bank 1. In addition, location 36/$24 is used for temporary storage during formula evaluation, and location 37/$25 is used as a pointer into the ROM keyword tables when tokenizing program lines $43E2 or listing (detokenizing) program lines $5123.

38-39 $26-$27 INDEX2

Multipurpose address pointer

These locations are used as an address pointer by the routine at 960/$03C0 which fetches characters from BASIC program text in bank 0. That routine is called by several other BASIC routines, including the one which adds or deletes program lines. These locations are also used by the ERROR routine $4D3C as a pointer to the specified error message in the message table in ROM.

40-44 $28-$2C RESHO

Temporary storage area for multiplication and division

This area is used to hold intermediate values during the BASIC routines that perform floating-point multiplication and division.

45-46 $2D-$2E TXTTAB

Start-of-BASIC-program pointer

The value in these locations points to the first address block 0 RAM used for BASIC program text. The value here is initialized to 7169/$1C01 during the BASIC cold-start sequence. In the Commodore 64, the value here was initialized to the value in the Kernal MEMSTR pointer, the bottom of memory established during the Kernal reset sequence. However, the 128 always initializes the same value here, without regard for the value in MEMSTR (2565-2566/$0A05-$0A06).

The only Kernal routines that change the value here are the ones that allocate or de-allocate a bitmapped graphics area for the GRAPHIC statement. When a bitmapped graphics area is allocated, BASIC program text is moved upward to start at 16385/$4001, above the bitmapped graphics area at 7168-16383/$1C00-$3FFF. In this case, the values in these pointers will be adjusted accordingly. The value here will be reset to 7169/$1C01 when the graphics area is de-allocated and the BASIC program text is moved back down to its original position.

During the NEW and RUN routines, the CHRGET pointer ($3D-$3E) is initialized with a value one less than the address in these locations. You can store new values in these locations to change the starting position of BASIC program text-for example, if you wish to reserve free memory space in block 0 RAM below the program. However, two other steps are required to properly initialize the system to use the new starting position: You must also store the value 0/$00 in the location immediately before the address specified here (BASIC requires that program text be preceded by a zero byte), and you must perform a NEW to reset other pointers to reflect the new start-of-BASIC position.

During execution of BASIC’S SAVE and DSAVE routines, the value here determines the starting address of the data to be saved.

47-48 $2F-$30 VARTAB

Start-of-variables pointer

The value in these locations points to the first address in block 1 RAM used for scalar (nonarray) variable storage. The value here is initialized to 1024/$0400 during the BASIC cold-start sequence, and no other system routine changes that setting. You can store new values in these locations to change the starting position of the variable table-for example, if you wish to reserve free memory space for data storage in block 1 RAM below the variables. However, to properly initialize the system to use the the new starting position, you must perform a CLR to reset other pointers to reflect the new start-of-variables position. During the CLR routine $51F8 (which is also performed during NEW and BASIC cold start), the start-of-arrays pointer ($31-$32) and the end-of-arrays pointer ($33-$34) are also set to the value in these locations

49-50 $31-$32 ARYTAB

Start-of-arrays pointer

The value in these locations points to the first address in block 1 RAM used for the storage of array variables, which is also one location above the last address used for array variables. The value here is initialized to the start-of-variables value in locations 47-48/$2F-$30 during the CLR routine $51F8 (which is also performed during NEW and BASIC cold start).

51-52 $33-$34 STREND

Start-of-free-memory pointer

The value in these locations points to the lowest address in block 1 RAM available for the storage of strings, which is also one location above the last address used for array variables. The value here is initialized to the start-of-variables value in locations 47-48/$2F-$30 during the CLR routine $51F8 (which is also performed during NEW and BASIC cold start). When the value here equals the value in location 49-50/$31-$32, no arrays are being used. The function FRE(1) will return the difference between the value here and the one in locations 53-54/$35-$36, representing the remaining amount of memory available for string storage. When the value in 53-54/$35-$36 (the FRETOP pointer) reaches the value here, garbage collection is performed. If garbage collection cannot remove enough unused strings to create free space between the address here and the one pointed to by FRETOP, an OUT OF MEMORY error occurs.

53-54 $35-$36 FRETOP

Bottom-of-string-space pointer

The value in these locations points to the lowest address in block 1 RAM used for the string pool. All character strings used in a BASIC program are stored in the area of block 1 between the address pointed to in $39-$3A and the address pointed to here-an area called the string pool. Each active string here will have a descriptor in the variable array table areas at the bottom of block 1, or in the temporary descriptor stack at $1B-$23. The pool may also contain inactive strings that the program is no longer using. The value here is initialized to the top-of-memory value in locations $39-$3A during the CLR routine $51F8 (which is also performed as part of NEW and the BASIC cold-start sequence).

When the value here equals the value in location $39-$3A, no strings have yet been used. Strings are added from the top of memory downward. When the value here reaches the value in $33-$34, garbage collection is performed to remove inactive strings. If garbage collection cannot remove enough unused strings to create free space between the address here and the one in $33-$34, an OUT OF MEMORY error occurs. The function FRE(1) will return the difference between the value here and the one in locations $33-$34, the amount of free memory remaining for string storage.

55-56 $37-$38 FRESPC

Temporary pointer into the string pool

These locations are used by the routines that add strings to the string pool as a pointer to the currently referenced string, and as a pointer to the current string during the garbage collection routines.

57-58 $39-$3A MAX_MEM_1

Top-of-memory pointer

The value in these locations determines the highest address in block 1 RAM available for the string pool. Actually, the address value here will be one location beyond the highest location used for the string pool. The string pool is filled downward from the address specified here. The value in locations $35-$36 specifies the address of the bottom of the pool. When the value in those locations equals the value here, the pool is empty. The BASIC cold-start routine initializes these locations to 65280/$FF00, one location beyond the highest contiguous address in block 1 RAM (MMU registers are seen at 65280-65284/$FF00-$FF04 in all memory configurations). You can reduce the value here to reserve memory at the top of block 1 for other purposes such as data storage. However, when you change the value here you should also execute a CLR statement $51F8 to reset the other string pool pointers.

59-60 $3B-$3C CURLIN

Current BASIC line number

These locations hold the line number of the BASIC program line currently being executed. After each program line is executed, the routine which executes BASIC program lines $4AF3 will load these locations with the number of the next line to be executed. The value here is used by various other BASIC routines that need to know which line is currently being executed. The value here is stored in locations 4608-4609/ $1200-$1201 by the routine that processes STOP or END $4BCA. The value stored in those locations will be transferred back here by the CONT routine $5A60. The value here will be stored in locations 4617-4618/$1209-$120A when an error is processed by the ERROR routine $4D3C. The value in those locations will be transferred back here by the RESUME routine $5F62.

61-62 $3D-$3E TXTPTR

Pointer for main BASIC character retrieval routine

These locations serve as the pointer into BASIC text for the CHRGET routine, BASIC’S primary character retrieval routine. In earlier Commodore computers, the entire CHRGET routine was in zero page. The 128’s CHRGET is located higher in the common area, beginning at address 896/$0380, and only the pointer is kept in zero page. CHRGET is designed to retrieve the next nonspace character of BASIC text, so the first step in CHRGET is to increment the address here. The routine also has an alternate entry point called CHRGOT at 902/$0386, which retrieves the current character (the one at the address here) without incrementing the pointer.

The NEW, RUN, and LOAD routines all call the subroutine $5254 which initializes this pointer to one byte before the start-of-BASIC value in locations $2D-$2E. Because the CHRGET routine is so heavily used, many BASIC routines affect the value here. For example, any of the routines which send the program to another line, such as GOTO, GOSUB, THEN, and so on, must replace the current value here with the address of the target line. The value here is stored in locations 4610-4611/$1202-$1203 by the routine that processes STOP or END $4BCA. The value stored in those locations will be transferred back here by the CONT routine $5A60. The value here will be stored in locations 4622-4623/$120E-$120F when an error is processed by the ERROR routine $4D3C, The value in those locations may be transferred back here by the RESUME routine $5F62.

The value here is also used as a pointer for the alternate character retrieval routine at 969/$03C9, which fetches the current text character without CHRGET’s test for character type.

63-64 $3F-$40 FNDPNT

Working pointer for various routines

These locations are used as a working pointer into the runtime stack at 2048-2559/$0800-$09FF by the routines that search for tokens in the stack. The RENUMBER routine $5AF8 uses these locations as an end-of-program pointer. The PRINT USING routine $9520 uses the routine at 939/$03AB (which uses these locations as a pointer) to retrieve characters from the template pattern string in block 1 RAM.

65-66 $41-$42 DATLIN

Line number of current DATA statement

These locations hold the line number of the BASIC program line containing the DATA statement from which DATA items are currently being read. These locations are updated by the subroutine that searches for the start of the next DATA statement: $57CA, called during execution of the READ statement. The value here isn’t used by any system routine, but it can be very helpful when you’re debugging a program containing DATA statements. Whenever a program stops with an ILLEGAL QUANTITY or TYPE MISMATCH error message in a line containing a READ statement, it’s very likely that the error is actually in the DATA line rather than the line specified in the error statement (the one which contains READ). You can find the line number from which the last, possibly erroneous, DATA item was read using PRINT PEEK(65) + 256 * PEEK(66).

67-68 $43-$44 DATPTR

Pointer to next DATA item

These locations are used as a pointer to the address at which the search for the next available DATA item will begin. The subroutine that searches for the next DATA item $57CA, called during execution of the READ statement, will update the value here to point to the start of the next DATA item. The RESTORE statement, when used without a line number parameter, resets the value here to the starting address of BASIC program text (from locations 45-46/$2D-$2E), That RESTORE subroutine is also called as part of the CLR routine, which in turn is called as part of RUN. Thus, the search for DATA items normally begins at the first program line. The RESTORE statement can be used with a line number parameter to change the value here. In that case, the pointer value will be reset to the starring address of the specified line. The specified line need not contain a DATA statement. It merely specifies the line from which the search for the next DATA statement will begin.

69-70 $45-$46 INPPTR

Text pointer for input

The common input routine $56B2, used in the execution of the GET, GETKEY, GET#, INPUT, INPUT, and READ statements, uses these locations as a pointer to the characters to be read as input. The value here will be transferred into the CHRGET pointer at 61-62/$3D-$3E so that CHRGET can be used to retrieve characters from the input. The GET, GETKEY, and GET statements will initialize the value here to 513/$0201, an input buffer location set to 0/$00 to cause the input routine to read the next character. The INPUT and INPUT* statements will initialize the value here to 511/$01FF, a location immediately before the input buffer set to 44/$2C, the code for the comma character. The actual input will be in the input buffer beginning at 512/$0200. The READ statement will initialize these locations with the starting address of the next DATA item (from locations $43-$44).

71-72 $47-$48 VARNAM

Current variable name

These locations are used during the routine to find or create a variable $7AAF to hold the compressed (two-byte) form of the specified variable name. This compressed form will then be used as a search pattern to check whether a variable of the same name and type currently exists. If not, the characters here will be used as the name for the new variable.

73-74 $49-$4A VARPNT

Pointer to variable descriptor

These locations are used as a pointer to the first byte of the descriptor for the variable-the address of the location just beyond the two-character name in the variable table entry for the variable. The value here is set upon exit from the routines to find $7AAF or create $7B90 a variable. The FN (user defined function) routine will load these locations with the address of the descriptor for the dummy variable in the function definition.

75-76 $4B-$4C FORPNT

Variable descriptor pointer and working storage

These locations are used during the routine that assigns variable values (LET $53C6) as a pointer to the variable value or string descriptor. For numeric variables, the address here will be the location in block 1 RAM where the value will be stored. For string variables, the address here will be the location in block 1 RAM where the length and pointer into the string pool for the string will be stored. The FOR statement uses the value here to find the address of the value for the loop index variable.

For the WAIT statement $6C2D, location 75/$4B holds the test byte pattern and location 76/$4C holds the mask byte pattern. Location 75/$4B is also used as an index into the current line during the routine to list BASIC program lines $5123,

77-78 $4D-$4E VARTXT

Temporary storage for text pointer

These locations are used for temporary storage for the CHRGET pointer value from $3D-$3E during the common input routine $56B2, which uses CHRGET to retrieve characters from the input source location. Location 77/$4D is also used during the numeric expression evaluation routine $77EF as a flag to indicate when the end of the expression has been reached.


Relational operator flag

When the main expression evaluation routine $77EF finds a relational operator (<, =, or >) in the current expression, it stores a value here indicating which operator has been found. For greater than (>) operations, the value here will be 1. For equals ( = ), the value will be 2; for less than (<) it will be 4. When the expression is evaluated, this value will be transferred to location $14.

80-81 $50-$51 DEFPNT

Defined function pointer and working pointer

These locations are used by the routine that retrieves bytes from the variable table entry for a function definition (FN). That routine $42CE uses these locations as a pointer for one of the bank 1 character retrieval subroutines $03AB. These locations are also used as a working pointer by one of the routines that reads values during garbage collection. That routine $42FB also uses a bank 1 data retrieval subroutine $03AB. The routine that allocates the bitmapped graphics area $9F4F uses these locations to hold the number of bytes that must be moved upward to make room for the graphics area.

80-84 $50-$54 TEMPF3

Temporary storage for floating-point value

These locations are used to temporarily hold the floating-point value of the exponent during the routine to handle the exponentiation (T) operator $8FC1.

82-83 $52-$53 DSCPNT

Variable address storage and working pointer

The routine that creates space in the string pool for a new string variable uses these locations to temporarily store the address of the variable table entry. These locations are also used as a pointer by the routine that retrieves characters from the string pool for the LEFT$, RIGHT$ and MID$ functions $42D8.

85 $55 HELPER

HELP flag

Bit 7 of this location is tested in the routine which lists BASIC program lines $5123 to determine whether the line is being displayed by LIST or by HELP. When the bit is %1, the subroutine at $59AC will be called to highlight the portion of the line where the most recent error occurred. The HELP statement routine $5986 sets bit 7 to %1 before it calls the line-listing routine, and clears it to %0 afterwards.

86-88 $56-$58 JMPER

BASIC function execution vector

This vector is used to execute the routines that handle BASIC functions. Location 86/$56 is initialized during the BASIC cold-start sequence with the value 76/$4C, the 8502 JMP opcode. The function dispatch routine $4BF7 loads 87-88/$57-$58 with the address of the routine that performs the desired function operation. A JSR $0056 instruction then executes the function-handling routine.

89-93 $59-$5D TEMPF1

Floating-point work area

These locations are used as a temporary floating-point work area during the series evaluation routine $9086 for the LOG, SIN, COS, TAN, and ATN functions. Location 89/$59 is also used for temporary storage during the routine $9D7C which subtracts the contents of one pair of bitmapped graphics storage locations from the contents of another pair of locations.

90-91 $5A-$5B ARRYPNT

Multipurpose working pointer

These locations are used as a pointer to the destination of text being moved in the routine to add new BASIC program lines to memory $4DE2 and as a pointer into array space when making room for a new variable $7B90. They are also used to hold the line link value during RENUMBER $5AF8.

92-93 $5C-$5D HIGHTR

Multipurpose address pointer

These locations serve as a pointer for the routine that reads the source text being moved in the routine to add new BASIC program lines. This routine $42DD uses one of the common bank 0 character retrieval routines $039F. The locations serve as a pointer in the routine to read source bytes when creating space for new variables. This routine [$42E2] uses one of the common bank 1 character retrieval routines $03AB. The locations are used during the RENUMBER routine $5AF8 to hold the number of the line currently being renumbered.

93-95 $5D-$5F STR1

String length and pointer for MID$

When MID$ is used as a statement $5901 (to add characters to a string), these locations hold the descriptor of the original string. Location 93/$5D holds the length, and locations 94-95/$5E-$5F hold the address and are used as a pointer.

94-98 $5E-$62 TEMPF2

Temporary storage for floating-point value

These locations are used to store an intermediate value from floating-point accumulator #1 (FAC1) during the series evaluation routine [$909C] for the EXP function.

94-95 $5E-$5F

Working pointer for garbage collection

These locations are used as a pointer to the tag bytes for the current string during the routine that performs string pool garbage collection [$92EA].


Decimal point position

This location is used during the routine [$8E42] that creates a character string representing the value in floating-point accumulator #1 (FAC1) to hold the position within the string for the decimal point. The location is also used as a loop counter in the routine [$7E3E] to calculate the amount of memory needed for an array.

96-98 $60-$62 STR2

Substring length and pointer for MID$

When MID$ is used as a statement $5901 (to add characters to a string), these locations hold the descriptor of the substring to be added. Location 96/$60 holds the length, and locations 97-98/$61-$62 hold the address and are used as a pointer.

96-104 $60-$68 T0-T2

Monitor zero-page pointers and working storage

These locations are used by many routines in the monitor. The monitor routine [$B7CE] that determines the numeric value of a parameter in the input buffer leaves the value in locations 96-98/$60-$62 (in low- to high-byte order), so any numeric value in a monitor command is at least initially held there. For monitor commands that accept two or more address parameters, the first address is transferred into locations 102-104/ $66-$68, and the value there is then used as a working pointer to the byte to be read or written. The monitor’s indirect fetch [$B11A], indirect store [$B12A], and indirect compare [$B13D] routines use 102-103/$66-$67 for the address pointer and $68 for the bank value. The starting address is subtracted from the ending address, and the result is transferred to 99-101/$63-$65. The value in those locations is then used as a count of bytes to be affected by the operation. The compare/transfer routine $B231, which accepts three address parameters, uses 102-104/$66-$68 as the pointer to the source address for the compare or transfer and 96-98/$60-$62 as the pointer to the destination address.

Some monitor routines also make alternate use of some of these locations. The memory display routine [$B152] uses 96-98/$60-$62 as a count of lines to be displayed. During assembly [$B406], 99/$63 holds the length of the current instruction, and location 100/$64 holds the addressing mode type. Locations 99-100/$63-$64 are used to unpack mnemonics during disassembly [$B6A1], and 99/$63 serves as a counter during directory display [$BB03].

97-98 $61-$62 LOWTR

Multipurpose address pointer

A wide variety of BASIC routines use these locations as a pointer. They serve as the pointer for a heavily used routine [$42EC] to read characters from BASIC program text. (That routine uses one of the common bank 0 character retrieval subroutines [$039F].) The routine is called by the routine which adds or deletes program lines $4DE2, the one which searches for a line number [$5064] (in which case the starting address of the line is returned in these locations), LIST [$50E2], and DELETE $5E87. These locations also serve as the pointer for a routine [$4300] to read values from the variable table. That routine uses one of the common bank 1 character retrieval subroutines $03AB.

The routine is called by the routine $7AAF which searches the variable table to check whether a variable with a specified name already exists, and the one [$7CAB] which performs a similar search for array names. If an existing name is found, the address of the table entry for the variable or array will be returned in these locations.

99-103 $63-$67 FAC1

Floating-point accumulator 1

These locations are the primary work area for all routines which use floating-point math, which includes all of BASIC’S mathematical functions. Any numerical value used in a BASIC program will be converted to a floating-point value here for further processing. The result of any BASIC operation which performs a numerical calculation will be held in these locations. Floating-point notation is rather complicated. This method of representing numbers has three components: the mantissa, the base, and the exponent. You may be familiar with BASIC’S scientific notation. For example, the value 73,500 will be represented as 7.35E4, BASIC’S shorthand for 7.35 X 104. In this format, the 7.35 is the mantissa, the 10 is the base, and the 4 is the exponent. In BASIC’S internal floating-point format, the base value is 2; location 99/$63 holds the exponent, and locations 100-103/$64-$67 hold the mantissa. The exponent is held in excess-128 format, meaning that 129 has been added to the exponent value. This is a little trick to avoid having to deal with negative exponents. To get the true exponent value, subtract 129. Only the lower 31 bits of the four-byte mantissa value are used, and the mantissa is normalized-adjusted so that its value is always effectively in the range 1-1.9999. Thus, the formula for converting the FAC1 contents into a decimal value is:

value = (1 + (mantissa / (2 ^ 31))) * 2 ^ (exponent - 129)

The routine which converts the contents of FAC1 into a two-byte integer value will leave the results of the conversion in locations 102-103/$66-$67. Some routines which don’t use floating-point math use these locations for other purposes. Locations 102-103/$66-$67 are used as a pointer by the routine [$42E7] that reads values from the variable table. That routine uses one of the common bank 1 character retrieval subroutines $03AB.

104 $68 FACSGN

Sign of FAC1

Bit 7 of this location is used to indicate the sign of the value in FAC1. The value here will be 0/$00 for positive values in FAC1 and 255/$FF for negative values. As long as the floatingpoint value is held in the accumulator, this location will be used to indicate its sign. When the floating-point value is stored in a variable, the setting of this bit will be copied to the highest bit of the mantissa. Likewise, when a value is copied from a variable into the accumulator, the setting of bit 7 of the most significant byte of the mantissa is copied here.

105 $69 SGNFLG

Sign flag during conversion

Count of terms in series evaluation

This location is used as a flag during the routine [$8D22] that calculates the floating-point value equivalent of a string of digit characters to indicate whether the string being converted has a leading negative sign. During the series evaluation routine [$909C], this location holds the number of terms in the series.

106-110 $6A-$6E FAC2

Floating-point accumulator 2

These locations are the second floating-point accumulator area, used in those operations that require a second floating-point value. Location 106/$6A is the exponent and locations 107-110/ $6B-$6E are the mantissa. All operations that involve both accumulators will transfer the results to FAC1.

111 $6F ARGSGN

Sign of FAC2

Bit 7 of this location indicates the sign of FAC2, just as location 104/$68 does for FAC1.

112 $70 ARISGN

Sign comparison flag

The routines that load values into FAC1 [$8A89] and FAC2 [$8AB4] perform an exclusive-OR of the values in locations 104/$68 and 111/$6F-the signs of the values in the respective floating-point accumulators. Thus, this location will hold 0/$00 if both signs are positive or both are negative, or 255/$FF if the signs are different.

112-113 $70-$71 STRNG1

Multipurpose address pointer

These locations are used as an address pointer by the routine [$42F1] which loads characters from strings in BASIC program text for transfer into the string pool. That routine uses a common bank 0 character retrieval subroutine [$039F]. The locations are also used as a pointer by the routine [$42F6] that reads characters from the first string in a concatenation operation. That routine uses a common bank 1 character retrieval subroutine $03AB.

113 $71 FACOV

Rounding flag for FAC1

When a pair of floating-point mantissas are adjusted for a math operation, any extra bits that must be shifted out of the smaller mantissa are held here and used to round the final result to extend the accuracy of the operation.

114-115 $72-$73 STRNG2

Multipurpose address pointer and working storage

In the series evaluation routine, these locations are used as a pointer to the constant values used in the series evaluation. In the VAL routine [$804A], these locations are used as a pointer into the character string to be translated into a floating-point value. These locations are used as working storage in the routines that calculate the amount of memory required for an array. In the DEC routine [$8072], these locations are used as a work area for converting the hexadecimal string characters into a two-byte integer value.

116-117 $74-$75 AUTINC

Step value for autoincrement

These locations hold the step value for automatically incrementing the line number if autoincrement mode is active. After each BASIC program line is entered while this mode is active, the value here will be added to the previous line number and the resulting new line number will be printed on the screen. Autoincrement mode will be active whenever these locations contain a nonzero value. These locations are reset to 0/$00 during the BASIC cold-start sequence, and during the RUN subroutine $5A81 that resets flags. The value here can be set using the AUTO statement.

118 $76 MVDFLG

Graphics area flag

The value here indicates whether the bitmapped graphics color and screen area has been allocated at 7168-16383/$1C00-$3FFF, in which case the start of the BASIC program area will have been moved to 16384/$4000. A value of 0/$00 here indicates that no graphics area is allocated, while a nonzero value indicates that the area has been allocated and the BASIC program area has been moved. This location is initialized to 0/$00 (no graphics area) during the BASIC cold-start sequence. When the graphics area is allocated, this location is decremented (to 255/$FF). The only BASIC statement that resets this location is GRAPHIC CLR–the value here isn’t affected by NEW or CLR-so once a graphics area is allocated it will remain allocated until the computer is reset or a GRAPHIC CLR statement is executed.

119 $77 Z_P_TEMP_1

General-purpose working storage

This location is used for temporary storage by a variety of BASIC routines.

120 $78 HULP

String offset pointer

This location is used during the routine $5901 that handles MID$ as a statement to hold the offset from the start of the string to the substring being replaced. It’s also used during the PLAY string-processing subroutine $6DE1 to hold the offset to the next character waiting to be processed in the string.

121 $79 SYNTMP

Multipurpose temporary storage

This location is used for temporary storage by a number of different BASIC routines.


Index into input buffer for monitor

The monitor uses this location to store the position of the next character to be read from the input buffer (512-672/ $0200-$02A0).

122-124 $7A-$7C DSDESC

Descriptor for disk error string DS$

These locations are used as the descriptor for the disk status string provided by the reserved variable DS$. Location 122/$7A will hold the length of the string, and locations 123-124/$7B-$7C will hold the address of the string. The length value is initialized to 0/$00, effectively emptying the string, during the CLR routine $51F8, which is also part of NEW and RUN. The routine to generate the error string $A778 will set the values here whenever the DS or DS$ variables are used.

125-126 $7D-$7E TOS

BASIC runtime stack pointer

These locations are used as the pointer into the BASIC runtime stack at 2048-2559/$0800-$09FF. This stack area is used to hold information for FOR, GOSUB, and DO statements. The value here is the address of the next free location in the stack, which is filled from top to bottom-from 2559/$09FF down to 2048/$0800. Unlike the processor’s stack with its automatic pointer, the pointer into this stack must be updated explicitly. The pointer value is reset to 2559/$09FF during the CLR routine $51F8, which is also part of NEW and RUN. Each time an entry is placed on the stack, the pointer value here is decremented by the number of bytes in the stack entry. Whenever an entry is retrieved from the stack, the value is incremented by the number of bytes to be removed.

127 $7F RUNMOD

RUN mode flag

This location is used to indicate the current operating mode of the computer. When the value here is 0/$00, BASIC is in immediate mode. No program is executing; BASIC is waiting for a command or a program line to be entered. When bit 6 is set to %1 (flag value of 64/$40), a program is being loaded for execution (the RUN “filename” statement has been used). When bit 7 is set to %1 (flag value 128/$80), a BASIC program is being executed. The value here is reset to 0/$00 during the step of the main BASIC loop that displays the READY prompt. The RUN subroutine $5A81 to set flag values will set this location to 128/$80, unless the option to load and run a disk file has been used. In that case, the flag will be set to 64/$40 while the file is loading, then to 128/$80 when it begins running.

128 $80 POINT

Decimal point position

This location is used during the PRINT USING routine [$9] to hold the number of digits to be printed before the decimal point.

128-129 $80-$81 PARST

Parameter flags for DOS support commands

The various disk command routines set these locations before calling the routine [$A32F] that processes parameters for disk commands. The values here indicate which parameters are valid for the command being processed. When a bit is %1, the parameter string for the command can include the corresponding element:

Location Bit Parameter element
128/$80 0 source filename
  1 destination filename (following TO)
  2 logical file number (#)
  3 device number (U)
  4 source drive number (D)
  5 destination drive number (D following TO)
  6 file type parameters (L or W)
  7 save-with-replace indicator (@)
129/$81 0 bank number (B)
  1 starting address (P)
  2 ending address (P following TO)

130 $82 OLDSTK

Storage for processor stack pointer

This location is used to store the current processor stack pointer value before a BASIC program line is executed $4AF3. If an error occurs while the line is being executed, the value here will be restored to the stack pointer during the error-handling routine $4D3C.

131 $83 COLSEL

Color source for current graphics command

The first parameter in graphics commands such as DRAW, CIRCLE, BOX, and so on, is the color source number. That value is held here after the parameter is evaluated. For the standard bitmapped (GRAPHIC 1) screen, valid values are 0 (background) and 1 (foreground). For multicolor bitmapped (GRAPHIC 3) screens, values of 2 and 3 are also valid to select the additional multicolor sources. If the parameter is omitted, the value here will default to 1 (foreground)

132 $84 MULTICOLOR_1

Color source 2 storage

This location holds the current color number for color source 2. The value here doesn’t have any immediate effect on the screen display, but whenever the COLOR statement routine $69E2 is executed, the lower four bits of the value here will be copied into the lower four bits of the multicolor video matrix fill byte at 995/$03E3. That value will be used to fill the video matrix area when the multicolor bitmapped (GRAPHIC 3) screen is cleared. Thus, the value here eventually determines the color of multicolor bitmapped pixels represented by %10 bit pairs. This is the bit pattern that will be produced for lines drawn when color source 2 is specified. During the BASIC cold-start sequence, this location is initialized to 1 (white). The value here can be changed using the statement COLOR 2,n, where n is a standard BASIC color number (1-16). Remember that the color change is effective only after the multicolor bitmapped screen is cleared.

133 $85 MULTICOLOR_2

Color source 3 storage

This location holds the current color number for color source 3. The value here doesn’t have any immediate effect on the screen display, but whenever the bitmapped screen is cleared, block 0 of color memory (55296-56319/$D800-$DBFF) is filled with the value here. Thus, the value here eventually determines the color of multicolor bitmapped pixels represented by %11 bit pairs. This is the bit pattern drawn for lines when color source 3 is specified. During the BASIC cold-start sequence, this location is initialized to 2 (red). The value here can be changed using the statement COLOR 3,n, where n is a standard BASIC color number (1-16). Remember that the color change is effective only after the multicolor bitmapped screen is cleared.


Current foreground color (source 1) storage

This location holds the current color number for color source 1. The value here doesn’t have any immediate effect on the screen display, but whenever the COLOR statement routine $69E2 is executed, the lower four bits of the value here will be copied into the upper four bits of both the standard video matrix fill byte at 994/$03E2 and the multicolor video matrix fill byte at 995/$03E3. One of these values, depending on the display mode, will be used to fill the video matrix area when the bitmapped screen is cleared. Thus, the value here eventually determines the color of standard bitmapped pixels represented by %1 bits or of multicolor bitmapped pixels represented by %10 bit pairs. During the BASIC cold-start sequence, this location is initialized to 13/$0D (light green). The value here can be changed using the statement COLOR 1,n, where n is a standard BASIC color number (1-16). Remember that the color change is effective only after the screen is cleared.

135-136 $87-$88 SCALE_X

Horizontal scaling factor

These locations hold the horizontal scaling factor for BASIC graphics routines. If scaling is in effect (indicated when the scaling flag at 4458/$116A holds a nonzero value), the specified horizontal (x) coordinates for all graphics routine parameters will be adjusted according to the value here to get the true bitmap coordinates. The value here can be changed using the SCALE statement. If the first parameter in the statement is 1 (scaling on), the factor here is calculated from the second parameter according to the following formula:

scaling factor = (65535 * 320) / scaling parameter

If the parameter is omitted, a default value of 20480/$5000 (for a bitmapped screen) or 10240/$2800 (for a multicolor bitmapped screen) is supplied. This allows a scaled screen of 1024 horizontal positions (x coordinates 0-1023).

137-138 $89-$8A SCALE_Y

Vertical scaling factor

These locations hold the vertical scaling factor for BASIC graphics routines. If scaling is in effect (indicated when the scaling flag at 4458/$116A holds a nonzero value), the specified vertical (y) coordinates for all graphics routine parameters will be adjusted according to the value here to get the true bitmap coordinates. The value here can be changed using the SCALE statement. If the first parameter in the statement is 1 (scaling on), the factor here is calculated from the third parameter according to the following formula:

scaling factor = (65535 * 200) / scaling parameter

If the parameter is omitted, a default value of 12800/$3200 is supplied. This allows a scaled screen of 1024 vertical positions (y coordinates 0-1023).

139 $8B STOPNB

PAINT mode flag

Bit 7 of this location is used during the PAINT statement routine $61A8 to specify whether the fill stops at pixels where the source color is encountered (indicated when the bit is %0) or whether all nonbackground pixels will be filled (indicated when this bit is %1). This location is normally set according to the fourth parameter of the PAINT statement, to 0/$00 if the parameter is 0 or omitted, or to 128/$80 if the parameter is 1.

140-141 $8C-$8D GRAPNT

Address pointer for graphics routines

These locations are used as an address pointer by several BASIC graphics routines. The value here points to the address within the bitmap where a character pattern will be copied during CHAR $67D7. The locations serve as a pointer to the area being filled during the SCNCLR $6A79. In the general pixel-drawing routine, these locations point to the bitmap address where the pixel will be drawn.

142-143 $8E-$8F VTEMP

Temporary storage for graphics routines

These locations are used for temporary storage by a variety of BASIC graphics routines

144 $90 STATUS

Status flag for tape and serial bus operations

This location records the status of the most recent tape or serial bus operation. In general, when the operation has been successful the value here is 0/$00, while a nonzero value indicates that an error has occurred or that the end of the file has been reached. The value here is reset to zero at the beginning of any load or save, or whenever a file is opened to tape or a serial device. Various error conditions are indicated by setting particular bits to %1. The bits are used as follows:

Bit Bit value Serial bus Tape
0 1/$01 timeout during write  
1 2/$02 timeout during read  
2 4/$04   short block (leader read where data expected)
3 8/$08   long block (data read where leader expected)
4 16/$10 mismatch during verify unrecoverable read error (or mismatch during verify)
5 32/$20   checksum mismatch for block
6 64/$40 EOF (end of file) end-of-file marker read
7 128/$80 device not present end-of-tape marker read

In BASIC, the reserved variable ST returns the value here when the current I/O device is tape (1) or serial (4 or larger). For RS-232 operations, the status is instead recorded in location 2580/$0A14.

145 $91 STKEY

Scan value of STOP key column

This location holds the current status of the keyboard column containing the RUN/STOP key. The Kernal UDTIM routine $F5F8, which is part of the system jiffy IRQ sequence, includes a section which reads the current column of the keyboard matrix. The current state of that column is stored in this location (unless the key connected to row 7 of the column has been pressed at the same time as some key in columns 1 or 6, which contain the SHIFT keys). The proper functioning of this routine depends on the fact that the SCNKEY routine $C55D, normally performed earlier in the IRQ sequence, leaves the system set to scan column 7, the one containing the RUN/STOP key (in row 7). When the Kernal STOP routine $F66E is called to determine whether the RUN/STOP key is currently pressed, it checks this location rather than actually reading the keyboard.

This location can also be used to read any of the other keys in column 7. The value here will be 255/$FF when no key in that column is pressed. Pressing a key sets a corresponding bit here to %0. The values here when the respective keys are pressed are as follows:

Key Bit Value
1 0 254/$FE
1 253/$FD
CTRL 2 251/$FB
2 3 247/$F7
SPACE 4 239/$EF
Q 6 191/$BF
RUN/STOP 7 127/$7F

146 $92 SVXT

Tape-timing baseline adjustment factor

This location is used during routines which read from tape to hold a value representing the difference between the actual time required to read a bit from tape and the standard rime. This value is used to adjust other timing constants to compensate for minor variations in tape motor speeds.

147 $93 VERCK

Kernal load/verify flag

Monitor operation flag

The same Kernal routine is used to perform both load and verify operations. This location is used during the routines which read data from tape and disk to specify which operation has been called for. The value in the accumulator upon entry to the Kernal LOAD routine $F265 will be stored here. The monitor compare/transfer routine $B231 uses this location as an operation flag. A value of zero here indicates that a compare operation is being performed, while a value of 128/$80 indicates a transfer operation. The monitor byte-pattern search routine $B2CE stores the number of characters in the search buffer here. The monitor load/save/verify setup routine stores the character code of the current command (L, S, or V) here.

148 $94 C3P0

Serial deferred character flag

This location is used to indicate whether a character is waiting in the one-byte character buffer at $95. Bit 7 of this location will be %0 if no character is waiting, or %1 if the buffer contains a byte awaiting transmission.

149 $95 BSOUR

Serial character buffer

This location is used as a buffer for bytes sent over the serial bus. The operating system maintains this buffer so that the last byte of a file can be sent with the EOI handshake to identify it as the final byte. Location $94 is used to indicate whether the current value here represents a character awaiting transmission. It’s very important to close serial bus files opened for writing; otherwise, the final byte with the end-offile handshake won’t be sent.

150 $96 SYNO

Cassette block synchronization count

This location is used during routines which read from tape to indicate when the system has read leader bytes and is waiting for the end of the leader segment.

151 $97 XSAV

Temporary register storage

This location is used for temporary storage of the Y register value during the Kernal GETIN subroutine for RS-232, and for temporary storage of the X register value during the Kernal BASIN routine for tape.

152 $98 LDTND

Number of files currently open

This location records the number of active files-the number of files which have been opened but not yet closed. This value also serves as an index to the next available entry in the logical file number, device number, and secondary address tables at 866-895/$0362-$037F. The value here is reset to 0/$00 (no files open) when zero page is cleared during the reset sequence. The Kernal CLALL routine $F222 will also reset this location to 0/$00. The value here is incremented each time a logical file is opened, and decremented each time one is closed. An attempt to open an additional file when this location contains 10/$0A, indicating that the maximum 10 files are already open, will result in a TOO MANY FILES error.

153 $99 DFLTN

Current input device

The value here specifies the current input device number for the Kernal GETIN and BASIN routines, When a logical file is selected for input by the CHKIN routine, the device number value for the file is read from that file’s entry in the device number table at 876-885/$036C-$0376 and stored here. The CLRCH routine will reset the value here to 3/$03, to make the keyboard the default input device.

154 $9A DFLTO

Current output device

The value here specifies the current output device number for the Kernal BSOUT routine. When a logical file is selected for output by the CKOUT routine, the device number value for the file is read from that file’s entry in the device number table at 876-885/$036C-$0376 and stored here. The CLRCH routine will reset the value here to 0/$00, to make the screen the default output device.

155 $9B PRTY

Tape character parity

This location is used during routines which read from tape to calculate the parity of the byte currently being read. Bytes stored on tape have an extra parity bit added to make an odd total number of %1 bits in the combined character (eight data bits plus parity). This location is used to make sure that an odd total number of bits is read back for each character.

156 $9C DPSW

Tape dipole received flag

This location is used when a byte is being read from tape to indicate whether all bits of the byte have been received (indicated by a nonzero value), or whether bits are still being read (indicated by a value of 0/$00).

157 $9D MSGFLG

Kernal message control flag

This location controls whether Kernal messages will be displayed. The Kernal routines have two types of messages: control messages (PRESS PLAY ON TAPE, SEARCHING FOR, and so on) and error messages (I/O ERROR # followed by a number). This location controls which types of messages, if any, will be displayed. When the value here is set to 0/$00, no Kernal messages are displayed. Setting bit 6 to %1 enables error messages, while setting bit 7 to %1 enables control messages. The value here can be set using the Kernal SETMSG routine [$F75C]. The BASIC routine MAIN $4DB7, which is responsible for the READY prompt, sets this flag to 128/$80 (control messages only), since BASIC provides its own error messages. When the RUN routine is executed to run a program, the value here is reset to 0/$00 (no messages). The monitor changes the setting to 192/$C0 (all messages).

158 $9E PTR1

Tape pass 1 error-log pointer

The Commodore tape system records two copies of each block of data written to tape. If errors are detected while the first copy is being read, the address where the erroneous byte is located is stored in the tape error-log area at the bottom of page 1, This location is used as an offset to the next available twobyte address slot in the error log. The value here is reset to 0/$00 at the beginning of the operation. An unrecoverable error occurs if the value here exceeds 60/$3C, indicating that more than 31 errors have been logged.

This location is also used to hold the offset into the specified filename during the routine which checks to determine whether a particular tape header has been found, and for temporary storage of the type identifier byte when header blocks are being written to tape.

159 $9F PTR2

Tape pass 2 error-log pointer

This location is used during the routine which reads the second copy of each tape data block to indicate the offset to the next slot in the tape error log. That slot will contain the address of the next byte that needs correcting in the second pass. This location is also used to hold the offset into the filename in the tape header when the routine is checking whether a particular tape header has been found.

The monitor assemble routine [$B406] also uses this location to store the position of the next character to be processed from the instruction address buffer (2720-2729/$0AA0-$0AA9).

160-162 $A0-$A2 TIME

Software jiffy clock

These three bytes comprise the jiffy clock, a counter maintained by the operating system. Location 160/$A0 is the high byte, 161/$A1 the middle byte, and 162/$A2 the low byte. The UDTIM routine [$F5F8], called during each system jiffy IRQ interrupt sequence, will increment this counter 60 times per second. UDTIM checks and compensates for PAL video systems, so these locations are incremented 60 times per second regardless of whether interrupts occur at the North American rate of 60 times per second or the European rate of 50 times per second.

Thus, location 162/$A2 will be incremented every 1/60 second; location 161/$A1 every 1/60 * 256 = 4.27 seconds; and location 160/$A0 every 4.27 * 256 = 1092 seconds, or every 18.2 minutes. All three locations (along with the rest of zero page) are reset to 0/$00 during the reset sequence. The UDTIM routine will also reset the locations to 0/$00 if the value here reaches $4F1A01, corresponding to 24 hours after the start of the count. The Kernal RDTIM routine [$F65E] can be used to read these locations, and the SETTIM routine [$F665] can be used to change the value here. From BASIC, the reserved variables TI and TI$ can be used to read the values here (TI$ converts the value to hours:minutes:seconds format). TI$ can also be used to change the value here.

Although this timer is easy to use, especially from BASIC with TI and TI$, it’s not particularly accurate for timekeeping applications. These locations depend on the system IRQ interrupt, which is affected by a number of operations. For example, the system interrupt is turned off during loads and saves to tape or disk, effectively stopping the clock. The more tape or disk operations you perform, the more inaccurate your clock time becomes.

163 $A3 PCNTR/R2D2

Tape: Count of bits to be read or written

Serial: EOI flag

When characters are being read from or written to tape, this location is used as a countdown for the number of bits remaining to be received or sent.

When characters are being sent over the serial bus, this location is used to indicate when an EOI (end or identify) handshake should be performed to mark the end of the file. The EOI sequence is added when bit 7 of this location is set to %1.


Tape: Half-cycle indicator

Serial: Byte received

When bits are being read from or written to tape, this location is used to indicate which half-cycle for the bit is currently being received or sent.

When characters are being received over the serial bus, this location is used to assemble received bits into complete bytes.


Tape: Leader synchronization countdown

Serial: Count of bits to send / burst mode byte count

During the routines which write blocks of data to tape, this location is used to provide the countdown characters that come at the end of each leader segment. The value here is initialized to 9; it will then be repeatedly written to tape and decremented until the value reaches zero. When characters are being sent over the serial bus, this location is used as a countdown of bits to be sent. The value here is initialized to 8 for each byte and decremented each time a bit is sent. When bytes are being read from the serial bus, this location is used to indicate whether an EOI handshake has been detected. The value is initialized to 0/$00, then incremented after the first EOI is received. During highspeed burst mode loads, this location is used as a count of the number of bytes read from the current disk sector.

166 $A6 BUFPT

Pointer into cassette buffer

This location is used during the tape BASIN routine to hold the offset to the next character to be read from the cassette buffer. This location is incremented after each character is read from the buffer. When the value here reaches 192/$C0, all characters have been read from the buffer, so another block of data will be read into the buffer (if another is available) and the value here will be reset to 0/$00. During the tape BSOUT routine, this location holds the offset of the next available position in the cassette buffer. This location is incremented each time a character is added to the buffer. The buffer is considered filled when the value here reaches 192/$C0, at which the block of data will be written to tape and the value here will be reset to 0/$00.


Tape: Leader dipole count / block indicator

RS-232: Current bit received

During the routines which write to tape, this location is used as one counter in a timing loop to specify the number of leader dipoles to be written. When reading from tape, this location is used to indicate which block is being read.

When characters are being received over the RS-232 interface, this location holds the most recently received bit.


Tape: Half-cycle indicator for writing / error flag for reading

RS-232: Count of bits remaining to be received

When bits are being written to tape, this location is used to indicate which half-cycle of the dipole for the bit is currently being written. When characters are being received from tape, this location is used as a flag to indicate an error in the received byte.

When characters are being received over the RS-232 interface, this location is used as a countdown for the number of bits to be received for the current character. The value here will be initialized from 2581/$0A15 for each character.


Tape: Word marker flag / half-cycle flag

RS-232: Start bit received flag

When characters are being written to tape, this location is used to indicate whether a word marker dipole has yet been written for the current character. When characters are being read from tape, this location is used to indicate whether the next halfcycle should be a long or short one.

When characters are being received over the RS-232 interface, this location is used to indicate whether a start bit has been received yet, A nonzero value here indicates that the system is still waiting for a start bit, while a value of 0/$00 means that a start bit has been received.


Tape: Read phase flag

RS-232: Assembly byte for received bits

During the routines which read from tape, this location indicates the current stage of the operation. When the value here is 0/$00, the reading routine is waiting for the synchronization countdown characters to be read. Nonzero values less than 64/$40 indicate that block countdown characters are being read. A value of 64/$40 indicates that the first copy of the data block has been read, while a value of 128/$80 indicates that all characters from the first block have been read and the routine is waiting for the second copy.

When characters are being received over the RS-232 interface, the bits received are shifted into this location until a full byte has been assembled.


Tape: Leader dipole counter / checksum work byte

RS-232: Received byte parity

During the routines which write to tape, this location is used as one counter in a timing loop to specify the number of leader dipoles to be written. During the routines which read from tape, this location is used for computing the checksum for the block being read.

When characters are being received over the RS-232 interface, this location is used to indicate whether an odd or even number of %1 bits have been received, to determine the parity of the received bit.

172-173 $AC-$AD SAL-SAH

Kernal working address pointer

These locations are used as a pointer to the address of the current byte to be written to tape or saved to disk, or the address where the byte read from tape or from a disk boot sector is to be stored. The Kernal has several routines to service this pointer, including one [$ED51] to load this pointer with the operation starting address in $C1-$C2, one [$EEC1] to increment the address here, and one [$EEB7] to compare the address here against the operation ending address at 174-175/$AE-$AF There is also a routine [$F7CC] to retrieve the character at the pointer address from the bank specified in $C6, and one [$F7BC] to store the current accumulator contents at the pointer address in the bank specified in $C6.

172-175 $AC-$AF

Work area for disk booting

The Kernal BOOT-CALL routine [$F890] uses locations 172-173/$AC-$AD to hold the address at which the contents of additional boot sectors are to be stored. Location 174/$AE holds the bank number for the additional data. Location 175/$AF holds the number of disk sectors to be loaded during the boot process.

174-175 $AE-$AF EAL-E AH

Kernal address pointer

This location is used during the routines which read from or write to tape, or in saving to disk, to hold the ending address for the operation. For loading from disk, this location is used as a working pointer to the address where data is stored. After all bytes have been loaded, the locations will hold the ending address. Actually, in all cases the pointer will hold the address of the location immediately following the last one involved in the operation. The Kernal SAVF routine $F53E initializes these locations with the contents of the X and Y registers when the routine is called. The Kernal provides a routine $F7C9 to retrieve the character at the pointer address from the bank specified in $C6, and one $F7BF to store the current accumulator contents at the pointer address in the bank specified in $C6.

176 $B0 CMPO

Tape adjustable baseline compensation factor

This location is used during tape routines to indicate whether the current baseline time (the time allotted for a particular type of dipole) needs to be slightly increased or decreased. This allows the computer to compensate for slight variations in tape speed.

177 $B1 TEMP

Working storage for compensation factor computation

This location is used as a work byte for computing the baseline compensation factor at $B0.

178-179 $B2-$B3 TAPE1

Pointer to cassette buffer

These locations hold the starting address of the 192-byte cassette buffer. The value here is initialized to 2816/$0B00 by the Kernal RAMTAS routine, part of the reset sequence. No Kernal routine changes this default setting. The routines that read and write data to tape test these locations to insure that the address is greater than 512/$0200.


Tape: leader/data flag

RS-232: Count of bits transmitted

During routines which read from tape, this location is used to indicate whether the routine is currently waiting for the start of a data block (indicated by a value of 0/$00 here) or reading data from a block (indicated by a nonzero value here).

When bytes are being sent over the RS-232 interface, this location holds the count of bits sent for the current character.


Tape: Leader completed flag

RS-232: Next bit to send

During routines which read from tape, this location is used to indicate when the end of a leader segment has been reached. The value here is set to 0/$00 when the word marker at the end of a leader is read. When bytes are being sent over the RS-232 interface, bit 2 of this location is used to hold the setting of the next bit to be sent.


Tape: Error flag / end of block flag

RS-232: Character being sent

When an error is detected while a character is being read from tape, this location is set to a nonzero value to indicate that the character has not been read successfully. During routines which write to tape, this location is used as a flag to indicate when end-of-block processing should be performed.

When bytes are being sent over the RS-232 interface, this location holds the character being sent. Bits are pulled off one at a time from right to left.

183 $B7 FNLEN

Length of current filename

This location holds the length of the filename for the current I/O operation. The value here can be set using the Kernal SETNAM routine [$F731]. The starting address for the filename is held in locations $BB-$BC, and the bank number where the filename is found is held in location $C7.

184 $B8 LA

Logical file number

This location holds the logical file number for the current I/O operation. The value here can be set using the Kernal SETLFS routine $F738. When a file is opened, the value here will be transferred into the logical file number table at 866-875/$0362-$036B.

185 $B9 SA

Current secondary address

This location holds the secondary address for the current I/O operation. The value here can be set using the Kernal SETLFS routine $F738. When a file is opened, the value here will be transferred into the secondary address table at 886-895/ $0376-$037F.

186 $BA FA

Current device number

This location holds the device number for the current I/O operation. The value here can be set using the Kernal SETLFS routine $F738, When a file is opened, the value here will be transferred into the device number table at 876-885/$036C-$0375.

187-188 $BB-$BC FNADR

Pointer to start of filename

These locations hold the starting address of the filename for the current I/O operation. The value here can be set using the Kernal SETNAM [$F731]. Location $B7 holds the length of the filename, and location $C7 holds the bank number in which the filename is located.


Tape: Byte read from tape / byte to be written to tape

RS-232: Parity calculation working storage

Serial: Current byte during burst mode load

For tape operations, this location holds the byte most recently read, or the byte currently being written.

When bytes are being sent over the RS-232 interface, this location is used to indicate whether an even or odd number of %1 bits have been sent in the current character. This information is used to determine the value of the parity bit if one is to be sent.

During high-speed burst mode loads from disk, this location holds the byte most recently received from the drive.


Block count

This location is used during routines which read from or write to tape to specify which of the two images of the current block is currently being read or written.


Tape: Assembly area for byte being read

Disk: Default drive number for booting

When characters are being read from tape, the bits read are assembled in this area until a complete byte is formed; then the value is transferred to location $BD for evaluation or storage.

During the BOOT_CALL routine [$F890], this location is used to hold the character code for the specified drive number. The contents of the accumulator when the routine is called will be stored here

192 $C0 CAS1

Tape motor interlock

This location is used to control bit 5 of the processor I/O port at location $01. The system jiffy IRQ sequence includes a subroutine $EED0 which tests bit 4 of the processor port to determine whether any Datassette buttons are pressed. If no buttons are pressed, this location is set to 0/$00 and bit 5 of the port is set to %1 to turn off power to the cassette motor. When a button is pressed, this location is checked. If it con tains a 0/$00, the port bit is set to turn off the power. Thus, the cassette motor can’t be powered when no button is pressed or while this location contains 0/$00. When this location is set to any nonzero value, the setting of the port bit is not affected by the IRQ subroutine, so-as long as a button is pressed-the motor can be turned on and off, changing the setting of the port bit.

193-194 $C1-$C2 STA

Kernal address pointer

These locations are used by the Kernal SAVE routine [$F542] to hold the starting address of the area of memory to be saved to disk or tape, The value is loaded from the zero-page pointer specified in the accumulator upon entry to the routine.

These locations are also used by the Kernal BOOT_CALL routine. Location 193/$C1 holds the track number and location 194/$C2 holds the sector number for the block currently being read from disk.

195-196 $C3-$C4 TMP2/MEMUSS

Kernal address pointer

The contents of the X and Y registers upon entry to the Kernal LOAD routine $F265 are stored here. If the secondary address that preceded the LOAD was 0/$00, a relocating load was specified, so this address is used as the starting address for the loaded data.

These locations are also used as a working pointer in the routine $E1F0 to initialize the soft reset vector.

197 $C5 DATA

Bit read from tape / checksum of block written to tape

During routines which read from tape, this location is used to indicate the value of the bit most recently read. During routines which write to tape, this location is used for working storage of the checksum being calculated for the block.

198 $C6 BA

Bank where data for save, load, or verify is found

This location holds the bank number from which data will be saved by the Kernal SAVE routine or to which data will be loaded or verified by the Kernal LOAD routine. The value here doesn’t affect the current system configuration; it only specifies the bank for load, save, or verify operation data. The Kernal SETBANK routine $F73F can be used to set the value here.

199 $C7 FNBANK

Bank where filename for open, save, load, or verify is found

This location holds the bank number in which the filename for the current I/O operation is found. The value here can be set using the Kernal SETBANK routine $F73F.

200-201 $C8-$C9 RIBUF

Pointer to RS-232 input buffer

The value in these locations determines the starting address of the 256-byte RS-232 input buffer-the area where characters are stored as they are received via the RS-232 interface. The value here is initialized to 3072/$0C00 by the RAMTAS routine $E093, part of the reset sequence. This places the input buffer at its default position, and no system routine changes this setting.

202-203 $CA-$CB ROBUF

Pointer to RS-232 output buffer

The value in these locations determines the starting address of the 256-byte RS-232 output buffer-the area where characters are stored while they await transmission via the RS-232 interface. The value here is initialized to 3328/$0D00 by the RAMTAS routine $E093, part of the reset sequence. This places the output buffer at its default position, and no system routine changes this setting.

204-205 $CC-$CD KEYTAB

Pointer to current keyboard decode table

The value in these locations determines the starting address of the 89-byte area of memory which will be used to decode the current keyboard matrix code in location $D4. The SCNKEY routine $C55D, part of the normal IRQ sequence, checks on the shift-key status (in location $D3) and selects the proper value from the list of keyboard table pointers at $830-841/$033E-$0349.

206-207 $CE-$CF IMPARM

Pointer for Kernal PRIMM routine

These locations are used as a working pointer to the character to be printed during the Kernal PRIMM routine $FA17.

208 $D0 NDX

Number of characters in the keyboard buffer

This location holds the number of characters awaiting processing in the keyboard buffer at 842/$034A. The value here is initialized to zero by the CINT routine, part of the RESET sequence. This location is also reset to zero by the STOP routine if the STOP key is pressed. It is incremented during the SCNKEY routine $C55D whenever a character is added to the buffer, and decremented whenever a key is removed (by the Kernal BASIN or GETIN routines). The value here is not allowed to exceed the maximum keyboard buffer length specified in location 2592/$0A20.

209 $D1 KYNDX

Number of characters pending from programmable key string

This location holds the number of characters remaining to be read from the string for the most recently pressed programmable key. The value here is initialized to zero by the CINT routine, part of the RESET sequence. When the press of a programmable key is detected during the SCNKEY routine $C6CA, the length of the string for that key is stored here. The value is then decremented as each character is read from the string (by GETIN or BASIN).

210 $D2 KEYIDX

Pointer into the programmable key definition area

This location holds the offset to the next character to be read from the programmable key definition string area at 4106-4351/ $100A-$10FF. When the press of a programmable key is detected during the SCNKEY routine $C6CA, the offset to the definition string for that key is stored here. The value here is incremented as each character is read from the string.

211 $D3 SHFLAG

Shift key status flag

This location is set during the SCNKEY routine $C55D to indicate which of the shift keys-SHIFT, Commodore, CTRL, ALT, or CAPS LOCK-are currently being pressed. Each key has a corresponding bit which is set to %1 when the key is pressed:

Key Bit Bit value
Shift 0 1/$01
Commodore 1 2/$02
CONTROL 2 4/$04
ALT 3 8/$08
CAPS LOCK 4 16/$10

The values are cumulative; if both SHIFT and CONTROL are pressed simultaneously, the value here will be 5 (4 + 1). Based on the value here, the SCNKEY routine chooses a keyboard table pointer value to be stored in $CC-$CD.

Bit 7 of this location is also used as a flag to indicate when the extra characters read using the VIC chip lines are being scanned.

212 $D4 SFDX

Current key pressed

This location is used during the SCNKEY routine $C55D, part of the system jiffy IRQ sequence, to hold a value indicating which key was pressed. Each key has a unique keyscan matrix code here, but the code values are different from either character codes or screen codes. Refer to Appendix C for a list of keyscan codes. The key’s keyscan code (0-87) serves as an offset into the keyboard decoding table pointed to by locations $CC-$CD to select the character code to be added to the keyboard buffer at 872/$034A. A scan code of 88 indicates that no key was pressed.

It’s possible to read this location as an alternative to using the BASIC GET or GETKEY statements or the machine language GETIN routine when you want to check for the press of a particular key. For example, the two following statements produce the same result, a delay until the X key is pressed:

100 IF PEEK(212)<>23 THEN 100
100 GET K$:IF K$="X" THEN 100

Certain keyscan codes will not normally be recorded here. The codes for the left and right SHIFT keys, the CONTROL key, the Commodore key, and the ALT key-codes 15, 52, 58, 61, and 80, respectively–are normally intercepted during the SCNKEY routine and used to generate the value at 211/$D3. The CAPS LOCK, 40/80 DISPLAY, and RESTORE keys are not part of the keyscan matrix, and the SHIFT LOCK key is just a switch that has the effect of holding down the left SHIFT key.

213 $D5 LSTX

Last key pressed

At the end of the SCNKEY routine $C55D, the value in $D4 is transferred here. This value is then used during the next pass through SCNKEY to determine if the same key is still being pressed. If so, no additional character code will be added to the keyboard buffer unless key repeating is enabled.

214 $D6 CRSW

Input source flag

This location is used during the screen editor BASIN routine $C29B to indicate whether the line of input is to come from the keyboard or from the screen. The default value of 0/$00 selects input from the keyboard, while a nonzero value selects input from the screen. The Kernal BASIN routine $EF06 will set this location to 3/$03 before calling the screen editor routine when screen input is requested. Bit 7 of this location is used as an end-of-input flag; however, this is not handled properly for input from the screen.

215 $D7 MODE

Active screen flag

Bit 7 of this flag determines which text screen is considered the active display. While the bit is %1, the 80-column display is selected. While the bit is %0, the 40-column display is active. Note that the inactive screen isn’t actually turned off; it retains whatever display it had when the other screen was selected. However, only the active screen has a “live” cursor, and all printing is directed there. During the reset and RUN/STOP-RESTORE sequences, the screen editor initialization routine $C07B sets this flag according to the position of the 40/80 DISPLAY key.

While it is often useful to check this flag to determine which display is active, it shouldn’t be changed to switch active displays. Instead, use the escape sequence (ESC X) or the Kernal SWAPPER routine $FF5F. There’s more to changing active displays than just toggling the flag bit-the active and inactive screen editor variable tables, line link bitmaps, and tab stop bitmaps must also be exchanged.

216 $D8 GRAPHM

Mode flag for 40-column screen

This location is used during the screen IRQ routine $C194 to determine which display mode is selected for the 40-column (VIC) screen. The value here has no effect on the 80-column (VDC) screen. When this location contains 0/$00, text mode is selected. Bits 5-7 control the graphics mode configurations:

Bit Bit value Mode selected
5 32/$20 bitmapped
6 64/$40 split bitmapped/text
7 128/$80 multicolor

More than one of these can be selected at one time. The standard graphics modes place the following values here:

Mode Value
GRAPHIC 0 0/$00
GRAPHIC 1 32/$20
GRAPHIC 2 96/$60
GRAPHIC 3 160/$A0
GRAPHIC 4 224/$E0

While the standard screen editor interrupt routine is in use, the value here determines how the screen mode will be set up. As a result, you cannot directly change the bitmapped or multicolor mode control bits of the VIC chip, since those bits will be set according to the value here. You can turn off the screen-setup portion of the screen editor IRQ routine by storing the value 255/$FF here. This gives you direct control over the VIC chip register settings, but disables BASIC’S ability to change display modes.

217 $D9 CHAREN

CHAREN bit shadow

Bit 2 of this location serves as a shadow for the CHAREN bit 2 of the processor I/O port at location $01. The value of the bit in this location is copied to the port bit during each pass through the text screen-setup portion of the screen editor IRQ routine $C194. Thus, the setting of the port bit cannot be changed directly while the standard interrupt routine is in use. Instead, you must set the bit here to the desired value and let the interrupt routine set the port bit accordingly.

The setting of the CHAREN bit determines whether the VIC chip sees the ROM character sets at offsets of 4096/$1000 and 6144/$1800 in the current video bank. When the bit is %0, the standard ROM character set is visible to the VIC. When the bit is set to %1, the VIC instead sees the true contents of memory in the video bank.

218-223 $DA-$DF SEDSAL

Screen editor zero-page work area

Assorted screen editor routines use these locations for various functions. Location 218/$DA is used as temporary storage by the routines that calculate bit positions in the line link map $CB9F or tab stop table [$C961, $C96C]. During a number of routines, location 222/$DE is used as temporary storage for the current cursor column, and 223/$DF is used as storage for the current cursor row.

For the PFKEY routine $CCA2:

For the INIT80 routine $CE0C, locations 218-219/ $DA-$DB are used as a pointer to the character ROM at 53248/$D000. The screen-scrolling routine $C40D uses locations 218-219/$DA-$DB as a pointer to the start of screen memory for the current line. Locations 220-221/$DC-$DD are used as pointers to the start of attribute memory for the current screen line.

224-225 $E0-$E1 PNT

Pointer to first screen memory location for current line

Whenever the cursor is moved onto a new line, the screen memory address corresponding to the leftmost column of that line is calculated and stored in these locations. These locations can then be used as a pointer to screen memory locations for the current line. The value 236/$EC serves as an offset to the current cursor column. The low byte of the address comes from the value in the table at 49203/$C033 corresponding to the current row (multiplied by 2 if the 80-column display is active). The high byte comes from the value in the table at 49228/$C04C corresponding to the current row, adjusted for the starting screen memory page value in 2619/$0A3B in the case of the 40-column (VIC) display, or for the starting screen memory page value in 2606/$0A2E in the case of the 80-column (VDC) display. Since the tables have only 25 valid entries, the screen editor cannot support an output window with more than 25 rows.

226-227 $E2-$E3 USER

Pointer to first attribute memory location for current line

Whenever the cursor is moved onto a new line, the color memory address corresponding to the leftmost column of that line is calculated and stored in these locations. These locations can then be used as a pointer to attribute memory locations for the current line. The value 236/$EC serves as an offset to the current cursor column. The low byte of the address comes from the value in the table at 49203/$C033 corresponding to the current row (multiplied by 2 if the 80-column display is active). The high byte comes from the value in the table at 49228/$C04C corresponding to the current row, adjusted for a starting page of 216/$D8 in the case of the 40-column (VIC) display, or for the starting color memory page value in 2607/$0A2F in the case of the 80-column (VDC) display. Since the tables have only 25 valid entries, the screen editor cannot support an output window with more than 25 rows.

228 $E4 SCBOT

Bottom margin of current window

The value in this location determines which screen row will be the bottom margin of the current output window. This value should be greater than or equal to the value in location 229/$E5. This location is reset to the maximum column number from location 237/$ED when the window is reset to full screen size, as when the CINT screen editor initialization routine is executed. This location can be assigned a specific row number using the screen editor WINDOW routine $CA1B, which has a screen editor jump table entry at 49197/$C02D. From BASIC, the WINDOW statement can be used to change the value here. The ESC T sequence will cause the row number for the current cursor position to be stored here.

229 $E5 SCTOP

Top margin of current window

The value in this location determines which screen row will be the top row of the current output window. This value must be less than or equal to the value in location 228/$E4. The value here is reset to 0/$00, the top row of the screen, when the window is reset to full screen size, as when the CINT screen editor initialization routine is executed. This location can be assigned a specific row number using the screen editor WINDOW routine $CA1B, which has a screen editor jump table entry at 49197/$C02D. From BASIC, the WINDOW statement can be used to change the value here. The ESC T sequence will cause the row number for the current cursor position to be stored here.

230 $E6 SCLF

Left margin of current window

The value in this location determines which screen column will be the left margin of the current output window. This value must be less than or equal to the value in location 231/$E7. The value here is reset to 0/$00, the left edge of the screen, when the window is reset to full screen size, as when the CINT screen editor initialization routine is executed. This location can be assigned a specific column number using the screen editor WINDOW routine $CA1B, which has a screen editor jump table entry at 49197/$C02D. From BASIC, the WINDOW statement can be used to change the value here. The ESC T sequence will cause the column number for the current cursor position to be stored here.

231 $E7 SCRT

Right margin of current window

The vaiue in this location determines which screen column will be the right margin of the current output window. This value should be greater than or equal to the value in location 230/$E6. This location is reset to maximum column number from location 238/$EE when the window is reset to full screen size, as when the CINT screen editor initialization routine is executed. This location can be assigned a specific column number using the screen editor WINDOW routine $CA1B, which has a screen editor jump table entry at 49197/$C02D. From BASIC, the WINDOW statement can be used to change the value here. The ESC B sequence will cause the column number for the current cursor position to be stored here.

232 $E8 LSXP

Cursor row for start of input

This location determines the starting row for the logical line of input characters to be read by the BASIN routine $C29B. Location 235/$EB will hold the row for the end of the input line.

233 $E9 LSTP

Cursor column for start of input

This location determines the starting column for the logical line of input characters to be read by the BASIN routine $C29B. Location 2608/$0A30 will hold the column for the end of the input line.

234 $EA INDX

Column of last nonspace character on logical line

The screen editor includes a routine $CBC3 to find the position of the last nonspace character in the current logical line. That routine stores the column number of the character position here.

235 $EB TBLX

Cursor row

This location holds the cursor’s horizontal position on the screen. When the cursor is moved onto a new line, the value here is used as an offset into the screen memory line base starting address tables during the calculation of the starting address for the current screen memory line ($E0-$E1) and the starting address for the current color memory line ($E2-$E3). When the output window is cieared or the cursor is moved to the home position, the value here will be reset to the value in location $E5, the top margin of the window. The value here is incremented whenever the cursor wraps around from the right margin of the window back to the left-or whenever a RETURN character (code 13/$0D), SHIFT-RETURN (code 141/$8D), or cursordown (code 17/ $11) is printed-unless the increment would cause the value here to exceed the bottom margin value in 228/$E4. The action taken in that case depends on whether the scrolling flag (248/$F8) is set to allow new lines to be scrolled onto the screen. If so, the value here remains unchanged and a new line is opened at the bottom of the window. If scrolling is not allowed, the value here is reset to the value in 229/$E5 to wrap the cursor to the top of the window.

The PLOT routine $CC6A can be used to set or read the value here, but the vertical coordinate used by PLOT is relative to the current top margin. That is, the vertical offset placed here when PLOT is used will be the vertical coordinate specified in the PLOT call plus the current top margin value in 235/$EB, and the coordinate value returned by PLOT will be the value here less the current top margin value in $E5.

236 $EC PNTR

Position of cursor within current physical line

This location holds the cursor’s horizontal position on the screen. The value here is used as an offset from the starting address of the current screen memory line ($E0-$E1) to determine the screen memory position of the current character, and as an offset from the starting address of the current color memory line ($E2-$E3) to determine the color memory position of the current character. When the output window is cleared or when the cursor is moved to the home position, the value here will be reset to the value in location $E6, the left margin of the output window. Each time a character is printed to the window, the value here is incremented, unless the increment would cause the value here to exceed the value in location $E7. In that case, the value here is reset to the left margin value in $E6. The value here is also reset to the left margin value whenever a RETURN character (code 13/$0D) or SHIFT-RETURN (code 141/$8D) is printed.

The PLOT routine $CC6A can be used to set or read the value here, but the coordinates supplied to PLOT are relative to the current left margin. That is, the horizontal offset placed here when PLOT is used will be the horizontal coordinate specified in the PLOT call plus the current left margin value in $E6, and the coordinate value returned by PLOT will be the value here less the current left margin value in $E6.


Maximum number of rows allowed in output window

The value here determines the maximum bottom row for the output window. The current bottom row number is specified in location 228/$E4. When the window is reset to full screen size by printing two {HOME} characters (code 19/$13) in sequence (or by directly calling the screen editor window reset routine $CA24), location 228/$E4 will be reset to the value here. This location is set to 24/$18 during the CINT screen editor initialization routine, which establishes the default maximum of 25 horizontal rows of characters in the output window (remember that row numbering begins at zero). No system routine changes this setting, but you can reduce the value here to restrict the maximum height of the output window. However, you should not increase the value above the default setting, since the screen editor printing routines will not properly support a window more than 25 lines tall.


Maximum number of columns allowed per row

The value here determines the maximum right margin column for the output window. The current right margin column number is specified in location 231/$E7. When the window is reset to full screen size by printing two {HOME} characters (code 19/$13) in sequence (or by directly calling the screen editor window reset routine $CA24), location 231/$E7 will be reset to the value here.

During the CINT screen editor initialization routine, this location is set to 39/$27 if the 40-column (VIC) display is the default, or to 79/$4F if the 80-column (VDC) display is the default. This establishes the default widths of the respective displays (remember that column numbering begins at zero). No system routines change these settings, but you can reduce the value here to restrict the maximum width of the output window. However, you should not increase the value above the default settings, since the screen editor printing routines will not properly support windows wider than the respective defaults.


Character to print

This location is used during the screen editor printing routines to hold the character code (not the screen code) for the character to be printed.

240 $F0 LSTCHR

Last character printed

This location is used during the screen editor printing routines to hold the character code for the previous character printed. After each character is printed, the code for that character is transferred here from location 239/$EF. The value is used to detect when certain key sequences have been printed, such as the escape (ESC) sequences and the HOME HOME sequence to reset the output window margins. One shortcut to printing an escape sequence is to set this location to 27/$1B (the code for the ESC character), then call the screen BSOUT routine $C00C with the accumulator holding the second character of the escape sequence.

241 $F1 COLOR

Attribute of current character

The value in this location determines the color (and attribute for the VDC display) that will be used for the next character printed to the output window. When the screen code for the character is placed in screen memory, the value here will be placed in the corresponding position in color memory. When the 40-column (VIC) screen is the active display, only the lower four bits of this location are meaningful. Those bits will hold the VIC color code (0-15) for the character position. For the 80-column (VDC) display, the lower four bits also hold the color value, but the relationship of values to colors is different from that for the VIC chip.

When the VDC display is active, the upper four bits of this location hold the attribute value for the next character to be printed.

Bit 4 determines whether the character will flash. Printing character code 15/$0F will set bit 4 to %1, which specifies a flashing character. Printing character code 143/$8F resets bit 4 to %0, which turns off the flashing attribute.

Bit 5 determines whether the character will be underlined. Printing character code 2/$02 will set bit 5 to %1, which specifies an underlined character. Printing character code 130/$82 resets bit 5 to %0, which turns off the underlining attribute.

Bit 6 could be used to determine whether the character is reversed. Setting the bit to %1 specifies a reversed image of the character pattern, and resetting the bit to %0 specifies a normal character. However, the 128’s screen editor does not make use of this feature. Instead, each standard character set contains both normal and reversed character patterns and reversed characters are obtained by selecting the reversed character pattern.

Bit 7 determines which of the two character sets will be used. When the bit is %0, the first (uppercase/graphics) set is selected, while setting the bit to %1 selects the second (lowercase/graphics) set. Thus, the VDC allows both character sets to be used on the same display. When the VDC display is active, printing character code 14/$0E sets this bit to %1, and printing character code 142/$8E resets the bit to %0. If character set switching with the SHIFT-Commodore key combination is allowed, then that combination will toggle the value of this bit.

The CINT screen editor initialization routine will set this location to 13/$0D if the VIC screen is the default display, or to 7/$07 if the VDC screen is the default. This selects light green characters for the VIC display or light cyan characters with no special attributes for the VDC display. The color value in the lower four bits can be changed by printing any of the 16 color change characters.

242 $F2 TCOLOR

Temporary storage for attribute byte

This location is used to temporarily preserve the value from 241/$F1 during screen editor routines that insert or delete characters or scroll screen lines.

243 $F3 RVS

Reverse mode flag

The value in this location determines whether reverse mode is active. Reverse mode is active whenever this location contains a nonzero value. In this case, bit 7 will be set to %1 in each screen code placed in screen memory by the BSOUT screen printing routine. This effectively converts screen codes 0-127/$00-$7F to codes 128-255/$80-$FF. In the default character sets, character patterns in the upper half of each set are the reverse image of corresponding patterns in the lower half. The value here is initialized to 0/$00 (reverse mode off) by the CINT screen editor initialization routine. This location is set to 128/$80 when the reverse-on character (code 18/$12) is printed, and reset to 0/$00 when the reverse-off character (code 146/$92) is printed. The value here is also reset to zero each time a carriage return character (code 13/$0D) or shifted return (code 141/$8D) is printed to end the line. This location can also be reset to zero to disable reverse mode with either the ESC O or ESC ESC sequences.

244 $F4 QTSW

Quote mode flag

This value in this location determines whether quote mode is active. Quote mode will be in effect whenever this location contains a nonzero value. In this case, cursor movement keys, CONTROL key combinations, Commodore-number key (color change) combinations, and the insert key (SHIFT-INST/DEL) are deferred-they appear as reverse characters within the current screen line instead of having any direct effect on the screen display. The value here is initialized to 0/$00 (quote mode off) by the CINT screen editor initialization routine. The value here is exclusive-ORed with 1/$01 each time a quote character (code 34/$22) is printed. Thus, quote mode will normally be on after an odd number of quotes (1, 3, and so on) and off after an even number of quotes (2, 4, and so on). This location is reset to zero each time a carriage return character (code 13/$0D) or shifted return (code 141/$8D) is printed to end the logical line. This location can also be reset to zero to disable insert mode with either the ESC O or ESC ESC sequences.

245 $F5 INSRT

Number of pending inserts

This location holds the number of character positions which have been inserted in the current logical line. This is significant because insert mode is normally active for inserted character positions. Insert mode is similar to quote mode-cursor movement and color change characters are deferred-except that the insert key is not deferred in insert mode and the delete key (INST/DEL) is deferred. Insert mode is active whenever this location contains a nonzero value. The value here is incremented each time a blank character position is inserted in the current line, and decremented each time a character is typed in one of the inserted positions. This location is initialized to 0/$00 (insert mode off) by the CINT screen editor initialization routine. It is also reset to zero each time a carriage return character (code 13/$0D) or shifted return (code 141/$8D) is printed to end the line. This location can also be reset to zero to disable insert mode with either the ESC O or ESC ESC sequences.

246 $F6 INSFLG

Autoinsert mode flag

Bit 7 of this location determines whether the autoinsert feature is active. When the bit is %1, autoinsert mode is active, and a space is inserted following each character printed to the screen. If the bit is %0, autoinsert mode is disabled. In this case, the cursor simply moves to the next character position after each character is printed. This location is initialized to 0/$00 (autoinsert mode off) during the CINT screen editor initialization routine. It is also reset to zero by the BASIC subroutine that sets flag values when a RUN statement is executed $5A81. This location is set to 255/$FF (which sets bit 7 to %1) when the ESC A sequence is printed. It can be reset to 0/$00 with the ESC C sequence.

247 $F7 LOCKS

Case switching / scroll pause control flag

Bit 7 of this location determines whether the SHIFT-Commodore key combination can be used to switch character sets. If this bit is %0, the SCNKEY routine $C55D will switch character sets whenever the SHIFT-Commodore combination is detected. Setting this bit to %1 disables character set switching with SHIFT-Commodore. However, you can still change character sets by printing character 14/$0E for the lowercase/uppercase set, or character 142/$8E for the uppercase/graphics set. There is no provision for preventing character set switching using the character codes. This location is initialized to 0/$00 (switching enabled) by the CINT screen editor initialization routine. The bit can be set to %1 by printing character code 11/$0B, and reset to %0 by printing character code 12/$0C. Note that this is a change from earlier Commodore models, where character 8/$08 disabled switching and character 9/$09 reenabled switching.

Bit 6 of this location controls whether the NO SCROLL key or CONTROL-S key combination can be used to pause output to the screen. If this bit is %0, NO SCROLL or CONTROL-S will pause printing to the screen until another key is pressed. Setting this bit to %1 prevents pausing, so that neither NO SCROLL or CONTROL-S will have any effect on screen output. The Commodore key can still be used to slow down printing. This location is initialized to 0/$00 (pause enabled), and no system routine changes the setting of this bit. Since the screen editor doesn’t provide any character code or escape sequence for disabling the pause feature, you must change the value here directly if you wish to make use of the pause disable feature.

248 $F8 SCROLL

Bit 7 of this location is tested during the screen editor cursor movement routines to determine whether a new line will be scrolled onto the output window after printing on the current bottom line. If the bit is %0, a new blank line will be opened at the bottom of the screen (and the top line will be scrolled off the screen) after printing on the bottom line. Setting the bit to %1 prevents scrolling; after printing on the bottom line, the cursor will wrap around to the top screen line. This bit can be set to %1 with the ESC M sequence, and reset to %0 with ESC L.

Bit 6 of this location controls whether physical screen lines can be linked together to form logical lines. For example, BASIC allows logical lines up to 160 characters long. If this bit is %0, linking is allowed. The line link bitmap at 862-865/$035E-$0361 will indicate which physical lines are part of longer logical lines. Setting this bit to %1 disables line linking, in which case no logical line can be more than one physical line long. This location is initialized to 0/$00 (linking enabled) during the CINT screen editor initialization routine, and no system routine changes the setting of this bit. Since the screen editor doesn’t provide a character code or escape sequence for changing this bit, you must change the value here directly if you wish to make use of the linking disable feature.

249 $F9 BEEPER

Bell enable flag

Bit 7 of this location controls whether or not a tone is produced when character code 7, the {BELL} character, is printed. If the bit is %0, then a tone is produced. Setting the bit to %1 prevents the tone. The location is tested during the screen BSOUT subroutine that handles character 7 $C98E. The location is initialized to 0/$00 (bell enabled) during the CINT screen editor initialization routine. The flag bit can be set to %1 using the ESC H sequence, and reset to %0 with ESC G.

250 $FA Unused

This location is unused in the sense that it is not intentionally altered by any 128 Kernal or BASIC routine. However, a bug in the screen editor CINT $C07B and SWAPPER $CD2E routines causes this location to be overwritten whenever those routines are executed. Because those routines are called during the RUN/STOP-RESTORE sequence, any value you place in this location will be overwritten any time you press RUN/STOP-RESTORE, as well as whenever you switch screens. Thus, if you use this location in your programs it should be only as temporary working storage, not for important values you might want preserved in the cases mentioned above.

251-254 $FB-$FE Unused

These locations are unused by any 128 ROM routines, and are thus available for use in your BASIC and machine language programs. This area is not affected by RUN/STOP-RESTORE, but remember that all zero-page locations, including these, are cleared to zero during a reset (unless the RUN/STOP key is held down during the reset; see the reset routine $E000 for details).

255 $FF

This location is used as part of the assembly area for character strings representing the digits of numeric values.