c128lib Labels
Labels definition for C128
No Matches
Kernal Namespace Reference


label RESET = $E000
label RESTOR = $E056
label VECTOR = $E05B
label RAMTAS = $E093
label IOINIT = $E109
label C64MODE = $E24B
label TALK = $E33B
label LISTEN = $E33E
label ACPTR = $E43E
label SECOND = $E4D2
label TKSA = $E4E0
label CIOUT = $E503
label UNTLK = $E515
label UNLSN = $E526
label SPIN = $E5C3
label SPOUT = $E5D6
label SPIN_SPOUT = $E5FB
label GETIN = $EEEB
label BASIN = $EF06
label BSOUT = $EF79
label OPEN = $EFBD
label CHKIN = $F106
label CKOUT = $F14C
label CLOSE = $F188
label CLALL = $F222
label CLRCH = $F226
label CLOSE_ALL = $F23D
label LOAD = $F265
label SAVE = $F53E
label UDTIM = $F5F8
label RDTIM = $F65E
label SETTIM = $F665
label STOP = $F66E
label SETNAM = $F731
label SETLFS = $F738
label SETBNK = $F73F
label READSS = $F744
label SETMSG = $F75C
label SETTMO = $F75F
label MEMTOP = $F763
label MEMBOT = $F772
label IOBASE = $F781
label LKUPSA = $F786
label LKUPLA = $F79D
label DMA_CALL = $F7A5
label INDFET = $F7D0
label INDSTA = $F7DA
label INDCMP = $F7E3
label GETCFG = $F7EC
label PHOENIX = $F867
label BOOT_CALL = $F890
label PRIMM = $FA17
label NMI = $FA40
label IRQ = $FA65
label JSPIN_SPOUT = $FF47
label JCLOSE_ALL = $FF4A
label JC64MODE = $FF4D
label JDMA_CALL = $FF50
label JBOOT_CALL = $FF53
label JPHOENIX = $FF56
label JLKUPLA = $FF59
label JLKUPSA = $FF5C
label JSWAPPER = $FF5F
label JDLCHR = $FF62
label JPFKEY = $FF65
label JSETBNK = $FF68
label JGETCFG = $FF6B
label JJSRFAR = $FF6E
label JJMPFAR = $FF71
label JINDFET = $FF74
label JINDSTA = $FF77
label JINDCMP = $FF7A
label JPRIMM = $FF7D
label JCINT = $FF81
label JIOINIT = $FF84
label JRAMTAS = $FF87
label JRESTOR = $FF8A
label JVECTOR = $FF8D
label JSETMSG = $FF90
label JSECOND = $FF93
label JTKSA = $FF96
label JMEMTOP = $FF99
label JMEMBOT = $FF9C
label JKEY = $FF9F
label JSETTMO = $FFA2
label JACPTR = $FFA5
label JCIOUT = $FFA8
label JUNTLK = $FFAB
label JUNLSN = $FFAE
label JLISTN = $FFB1
label JTALK = $FFB4
label JREADSS = $FFB7
label JOPEN = $FFC0
label JCLOSE = $FFC3
label JCHKIN = $FFC6
label JCHKOUT = $FFC9
label JCLRCH = $FFCC
label JBASIN = $FFCF
label JBSOUT = $FFD2
label JLOAD = $FFD5
label JSAVE = $FFD8
label JRDTIM = $FFDE
label JSTOP = $FFE1
label JGETIN = $FFE4
label JCLALL = $FFE7
label JUDTIM = $FFEA
label JPLOT = $FFF0
label JIOBASE = $FFF3
label NMI_LO = $FFFA
label NMI_HI = $FFFB
label RESET_LO = $FFFC
label RESET_HI = $FFFD
label IRQ_LO = $FFFE
label IRQ_HI = $FFFF

Variable Documentation


label RESET = $E000

Performs power-on/reset sequence https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E000


label RESTOR = $E056

Restores Kernal indirect vectors to their default values https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E056


label VECTOR = $E05B

Loads or copies Kernal indirect vector values https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E05B


label RAMTAS = $E093

Initializes. zero page and Kernal pointers https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E093


label IOINIT = $E109

Initializes I/O chip registers https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E109


label C64MODE = $E24B

Switches the system into 64 mode https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E24B


label TALK = $E33B

Sends TALK command to a serial device https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E33B


label LISTEN = $E33E

Sends LISTEN command to a serial device https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E33E


label ACPTR = $E43E

Reads a byte from a serial device https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E43E


label SECOND = $E4D2

Sends secondary address after LISTEN https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E4D2


label TKSA = $E4E0

Sends secondary address after TALK https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E4E0


label CIOUT = $E503

Sends a byte to a serial device https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E503


label UNTLK = $E515

Sends UNTALK command to a serial device https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E515


label UNLSN = $E526

Sends UNLISTEN command to a serial device https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E526


label SPIN = $E5C3

Sets serial device for fast serial input https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E5C3


label SPOUT = $E5D6

Sets serial device for fast serial output https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E5D6


label SPIN_SPOUT = $E5FB

Sets serial device for fast serial input or output https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#E5FB


label GETIN = $EEEB

Retrieves a byte from the current input device https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#EEEB


label BASIN = $EF06

Accepts a byte from the current input device https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#EF06


label BSOUT = $EF79

Sends a byte to the current output device https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#EF79


label OPEN = $EFBD

Opens a logical file to a specified device https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#EFBD


label CHKIN = $F106

Sets the current input file for GETIN and BASIN https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F106


label CKOUT = $F14C

Sets the current output file for BSOUT https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F14C


label CLOSE = $F188

Closes a specified logical file https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F188


label CLALL = $F222


label CLRCH = $F226

Resets default I/O channels https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F226


label CLOSE_ALL = $F23D

Closes all open files for a specified serial device https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F23D


label LOAD = $F265

Loads or verifies a program file from disk or tape https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F265


label SAVE = $F53E

Saves a block of memory to tape or disk https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F53E


label UDTIM = $F5F8

Updates jiffy timers and checks RUN/STOP key column https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F5F8


label RDTIM = $F65E

Reads the software jiffy clock https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F65E


label SETTIM = $F665

Sets the software jiffy clock https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F665


label STOP = $F66E

Tests for a RUN/STOP keypress https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F66E


label SETNAM = $F731

Sets the length and address of filename for I/O operations https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F731


label SETLFS = $F738

Sets logical file number, device number, and secondary address for I/O operations https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F738


label SETBNK = $F73F

Sets data and filename banks for I/O operations https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F73F


label READSS = $F744

Reads the tape/serial or RS-232 status byte https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F744


label SETMSG = $F75C


label SETTMO = $F75F


label MEMTOP = $F763

Sets or reads the system’s top-of-memory pointer https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F763


label MEMBOT = $F772

Sets or reads the system’s bottom-of-memory pointer https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F772


label IOBASE = $F781

Returns base address of I/0 block https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F781


label LKUPSA = $F786

Checks whether a secondary address value is used https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F786


label LKUPLA = $F79D

Checks whether a logical file number value is used https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F79D


label DMA_CALL = $F7A5


label INDFET = $F7D0

Retrieves a character from any bank https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F7D0


label INDSTA = $F7DA

Stores the accumulator contents in any bank https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F7DA


label INDCMP = $F7E3

Compares the accumulator contents with a value from any bank https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F7E3


label GETCFG = $F7EC

Translates a bank number into an MMU register setting https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F7EC


label PHOENIX = $F867

Initializes function ROMs and attempts to boot a disk in the default drive https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#F867


label BOOT_CALL = $F890


label PRIMM = $FA17

Handles PRIMM (print immediate) function https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FA17


label NMI = $FA40


label IRQ = $FA65


label JSPIN_SPOUT = $FF47

Serial fast input or output https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FF47


label JCLOSE_ALL = $FF4A

Close all files to a device https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FF4A


label JC64MODE = $FF4D


label JDMA_CALL = $FF50


label JBOOT_CALL = $FF53


label JPHOENIX = $FF56


label JLKUPLA = $FF59

Work around a user’s open disk channels https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FF59


label JLKUPSA = $FF5C

Work around a user’s open disk channels https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FF5C


label JSWAPPER = $FF5F

Switch between 40-column VIC (composite) video display and 80-column 8563 (RGBI) video display. https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FF5F


label JDLCHR = $FF62

Copy char defintions from ROM to VDC RAM https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FF62


label JPFKEY = $FF65


label JSETBNK = $FF68

Set bank for i/o operations https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FF68


label JGETCFG = $FF6B

Get MMU bank configuration byte https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FF6B


label JJSRFAR = $FF6E

Jump to subroutine in any bank https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FF6E


label JJMPFAR = $FF71

Jump to routine in any bank https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FF71


label JINDFET = $FF74


label JINDSTA = $FF77


label JINDCMP = $FF7A


label JPRIMM = $FF7D


label JCINT = $FF81

Initialize screen editor and devices https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FF81


label JIOINIT = $FF84


label JRAMTAS = $FF87


label JRESTOR = $FF8A


label JVECTOR = $FF8D


label JSETMSG = $FF90


label JSECOND = $FF93

Serial - send SA after LISTEN https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FF93


label JTKSA = $FF96

Serial - send SA after TALK https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FF96


label JMEMTOP = $FF99


label JMEMBOT = $FF9C

Set/read bottom of system RAM https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FF9C


label JKEY = $FF9F

Scans the entire c128 keyboard https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FF9F


label JSETTMO = $FFA2


label JACPTR = $FFA5


label JCIOUT = $FFA8


label JUNTLK = $FFAB


label JUNLSN = $FFAE


label JLISTN = $FFB1

Serial - send listen command https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FFB1


label JTALK = $FFB4


label JREADSS = $FFB7






label JOPEN = $FFC0


label JCLOSE = $FFC3


label JCHKIN = $FFC6


label JCHKOUT = $FFC9


label JCLRCH = $FFCC

Restore default i/o channels https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FFCC


label JBASIN = $FFCF


label JBSOUT = $FFD2


label JLOAD = $FFD5


label JSAVE = $FFD8




label JRDTIM = $FFDE


label JSTOP = $FFE1


label JGETIN = $FFE4


label JCLALL = $FFE7

Close all files and channels https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FFE7


label JUDTIM = $FFEA



Get current screen window size https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FFED


label JPLOT = $FFF0

Set or read cursor position https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FFD0


label JIOBASE = $FFF3

Reads base address of I/O block https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FFF3


label NMI_LO = $FFFA

Non-maskable interrupt vector lo-address https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FFFA


label NMI_HI = $FFFB

Non-maskable interrupt vector hi-address https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FFFA


label RESET_LO = $FFFC

Cold reset vector lo-address https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FFFC


label RESET_HI = $FFFD

Cold reset vector hi-address https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FFFC


label IRQ_LO = $FFFE

Interrupt service routine vector lo-address https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FFFE


label IRQ_HI = $FFFF

Interrupt service routine vector hi-address https://c128lib.github.io/Reference/E000#FFFE